101 Before And After Pics Of Things Being Restored To Their Original Glory
You can accomplish pretty much anything with enough patience, grit, and determination. There’s a lot of pleasure to be had in accomplishing a difficult task, like restoring an old object to its former glory. Even more so if you know for a fact that most others would have given up a dozen times over. While there you are, slowly putting your skills to the test, learning from your mistakes, and working on something that’s going to make the internet’s jaw drop.
Our team here at Bored Panda has collected photos of some of the most impressive restoration projects from all around the net. We hope these pics will scratch the same DIY itch it did for us, and inspire you to do something similar. Scroll down to enjoy some truly magnificent restorations.
Bored Panda reached out to artist Gavin Gerundo, who spent a whopping 150 hours restoring and painting this grandfather clock, to hear about his project, workflow, and passion for art. Read on for our full interview with him!
#1 In 1916 My Great-Grandfather Built His House From A Sears Home Kit. 100 Years Later We've Restored It To Its Original Beauty

Image credits: RealHotSauceBoss
We got in touch with artist Gavin for a chat about the magnificent work he's done upcycling this gorgeous grandfather clock right here. He was kind enough to walk us through the inspiration for the project, his work process, and what advice he'd give to someone hoping to follow in his footsteps.
"The inspiration for the project started with my career as a canvas painter. I had been creating wall art for years and had begun to run out of space for my art and the collection of art I had acquired from the many creators I’ve met along my path. During quarantine, I began to focus on the home space as many of us did and noticed that a lot of the pieces of furniture did not inspire and bring me joy in the same way that much of the wall art did," he shared with Bored Panda.
"Being that furniture is such an interactive piece of our lives, I saw an opportunity to deepen the artistic nature of the home through pieces of furniture, notably an old grandfather clock I had recently picked up. I began the process on this huge project after painting a few smaller objects such as jewelry boxes and shelves that I had. As always with my art, part of the intention has been to create relics that outlast me and become pieces of history, heirlooms that inform and inspire for many years to come."
#2 1930’s Parquet Flooring Is Restored Today

Image credits: Fallinator95
#3 I Restored A Really Old Mausoleum Door

Image credits: MoonMoonMoonMoonSun
The entire restoration of the clock took a jaw-dropping 150 hours. "What a lot of people don’t think about with the process is the actual restoration stage. I have to sand down all of the wood, removing the varnish and creating a proper surface that the paint will adhere to and last for centuries to come. From here, I prime it with a base layer of black and begin to create my designs. These designs are based on a process of intuitive geometry," artist Gavin said.
He explained that he likes to pick an overall theme for the piece to work with. From there, he uses the furniture to inform the direction of the geometry, "breaking the 3D object down into a bunch of rectangles and circles. These rectangles and circles are then intuitively divided and activated by creating symmetries and then 'connecting the dots.'"
According to the artist, the most challenging part of painting the grandfather clock was reaching some of the nooks and crannies to adorn them with precise geometry. He had very limited hand movement in those tight spaces. "or a lot of the intricacies, I can take the piece of furniture apart, but for some, I just have to squeeze my hand as best as possible into the spaces and make it work."
#4 I Restored This Antique Lamp And Made A Bohemian Crescent Moon Mica Shade With Antique Chandelier Crystal Pendants
This lamp features silent film actress Billi Dove sitting on a paper moon in a cosmic rhinestone sky. I wanted to do something different, by mixing Victorian/Edwardian style with art deco. I also wanted to do something I think has never been done before by making a Crescent Moon shade which is normally made of embroidered silk with a beaded fringe out of mica and replacing the fringe with antique chandelier crystal pendants.

Image credits: DooleyRestored
#5 Vintage Shenanigans Camper Restoration
I bought this 1973 Prowler camper in Springfield, MO for $1000 on Craigslist. I had been looking for a small single-axle vintage camper for a while. These vintage campers are getting hard to find, and those that aren't completely rotted beyond repair sell for a premium. I guess something is only worth what people will pay for it. I was one of six people to answer the ad that was posted early in the morning. I showed up with the cash first, and it was sold before noon. Although it had been sitting outside for a few years, it was the size I was looking for and was repairable.
In the end, I invested about three months and about $4,000 in total. It has been on several float trips on the Huzzah River, Table Rock Lake, and a motorcycle rally.

Image credits: ranbn8
#6 A Wrench I Restored

Image credits: Familiar_Big3322
Meanwhile, Gavin was happy to share some advice for his fellow upcyclers. "Be true to your creative vision and create what you want to see in the world. The more true to yourself the piece of artwork is, the better received and more authentic the work will be. This shines in the art world, having a unique perspective because no one thinks exactly like you do!"
Gavin also told us more about himself as an artist. "I roam the world as an artist performing at music and art festivals in addition to a studio practice newly enriched by the world of furniture painting. I believe there is a balance between the classic hermetic artist and going out into the world to gather inspiration and form your unique perspective. At events and in my travels, I can go out in the world, meet people, and see sights beyond my imagination before returning to the studio and integrating the life experience. My main drive as an artist is to widen perspective, increase humanity's collective limits of how wonderful the things in life we often see as mundane really are. I believe there is reverie in the everyday, as the Grateful Dead once put it, 'Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.'"
You can find more of Gavin's incredible art on his website, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
#7 Completed The Restoration Of My Dream Car
The restoration was done by myself and my father-in-law. He did most of the heavy lifting with the bodywork and paint and he had the knowledge. I learned a tremendous amount during the process and it was an awesome experience overall.
I started collecting parts and restoring smaller pieces in my basement starting about 3 years ago. Then a year and a half ago we pulled it into the shop to really start all the work.

Image credits: finallygotmymustang
#8 Refinished And Reupholstered Vintage Mid-Century Lounge Chair

Image credits: rk5n
#9 My Family Heirloom Restoration Complete
The 150-year-old safe restoration project is DONE! Here it is back in all of its glory - gold leaf and all (yes, REAL 23k gold). Swipe to the last picture to see what it looked like when I first picked it up. If you're interested in more of the story, keep reading below. In 1871, Ulysses S. Grant was president and Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated only 6 years earlier. And this safe rolled off the factory floor at the Detroit Safe Company, in Detroit Michigan. In the 1890s it found its way to Bay City, MI in the back of a new meat market founded by Max T. Malleck. Decades passed and the market eventually closed nearly 100 years later, but this safe was saved from the market and moved to Grandson Mike Malleck's house in the 1980s, and there it sat for over 40 years!

Image credits: WarrenCluck
Inside most of us, there are two wolves, constantly battling each other over what design philosophy is best. One of them is a minimalist that likes order, cleanliness, and simplicity. The other is a maximalist that enjoys hoarding things ‘just in case they’re useful’ and embraces chaos.
Restoring old things, we feel, keeps both sides of you happy: you take something tired and dreary, and, with enough persistence, you turn it into a better, upgraded version of itself. It’s no longer clutter—it’s useful, beautiful, and proof that you’re far more skilled than you might’ve thought at the start of the project.
Before you rush headlong into any project (or you buy out half the local secondhand goods store’s supply of grandfather clocks), it’s a pretty smart move to think about what you’re trying to accomplish. Do you think this will be a one-off thing or do you think that restoration will become a large part of your life?
#10 Restoration Of A 1950s Dixie Stove
This came out of a 1953 Silver Streak (camper trailer) that had been left sitting in a field for decades. The trailer was filled with rodent droppings and carcasses. I found multiple nests inside this stove.
It took days to fully clean this piece, but it was so worthwhile!
I ran new wiring and changed out the clock mechanism so everything is fully functional. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of it illuminated, but the name "Dixie Wanderer" also lights up.

Image credits: WaywardTrailers
#11 Before And After Of My 8-Year Project (1972 Datsun 240z Restomod)

Image credits: Henness0666
#12 Before & After Of The Raritan Inn Bed & Breakfast In Califon, New Jersey

Image credits: raritaninn.com
Are you trying to create a massive social media presence by showing off your awesome restoration skills? Do you plan on building an actual business with restored items? Do you want to try and learn some new skills that sound like a lot of fun? Do you want to restore an item that has sentimental value to you but has seen better days? (Or… maybe a bit of all of the above?) First and foremost, be honest with yourself about what you want from these projects.
The next step is to envision what you’re actually aiming for. Ideally, what will the end result look like? It’s perfectly fine to adapt to changing circumstances as you start working (no plan survives first contact, after all), but you need a roadmap to help guide you. Having a bunch of references can help you with that. Meanwhile, do some sketching and model some preliminary designs. Try to see what the biggest pitfalls can be.
#13 Staring At My Recently Restored Tintin Childhood Collection

Image credits: waanix
#14 My Buddy Restored A 1955 Cushman Golf Cart. He Says There Are Only 2 Of These Models Left In Existence And The Other One Is In A Museum

Image credits: camperjohn64
#15 I Wanted To Share Some Pics Of This Authentic Mid-1920s Art Deco Maiden Figurine Lamp Base I Restored
With a custom leaping gazelle alternating Amber, silver mica shade that I made...

Image credits: DooleyRestored
Next, be realistic about your skills, resources, and capabilities. How many hours each week do you think you’ll be able to spend on restoring that vintage car or old fridge? What’s your budget for this actually like? Do you have the necessary skills or will you have to learn a bunch of them just for this project? Do you genuinely have the patience to see things through or would starting with a smaller, simpler restoration be a better fit?
These questions aren’t all that fun to think about, but they’ll help you gauge whether or not you’ll quit a few days in when you might not see enough progress. Now, this shouldn’t dissuade you from actually getting to grips with DIY restoration, however, probably all of us have a list of projects and new hobbies we’ve given up on at the first sign of trouble.
Sometimes, it’s best to jump straight in and see if the hobby interests you. Other times, you might need to slow down, take a step back, and think things through before you dump a bunch of money on something you might quit very soon.
#16 Wood Plane Restoration
So I borrowed a long-forgotten Stanley wood plane from my father-in-law... He told me it had been a wedding gift during the pre-power tool era, over 50 years ago. I wondered how many miles of wood this thing had peeled over time? It was seized up and practically unusable, so I pulled it apart.

Image credits: crucialficti0n
#17 Bicycle From 1969, I Got For Free From A Lady Wanting To Throw It To The Trash

Image credits: chlebasmiatou
#18 I Restored My Grandma's 65-Year-Old Kitchen Step-Stool

Image credits: Kangar
The materials you’ll need will entirely depend on your plans! If you’re restoring a vintage car or camper, you’ll need actual vehicle parts to make sure everything’s running smoothly. Meanwhile, if you’re restoring a grandfather clock, you may need to fix the mechanism as well, not just paint the exterior. Similarly, are you actually hoping to fix a fridge or vending machine, or are you focusing on the aesthetics alone, to turn it into a setpiece?
#19 I Restored And Hand-Painted This Grandfather's Clock

Image credits: ggerundo
#20 Drill Press I Finished Restoring Recently

Image credits: macdaddy_p
#21 Some Photos Of My First Restoration. I Love Old Fans And I Think This Came Out Decent

Image credits: Anthropologuy1
The internet is chock full of free and paid resources to help you improve your skills. You can find a ton of great advice on YouTube or just by googling things. Meanwhile, don’t be shy and visit your local library for some books and guides. If you happen to have any relatives or neighbors who are into DIY, crafting, and restoration, have a chat with them about what you’re trying to accomplish. Odds are that they’ll be glad to help you and walk you through some of the most common ups and downs that you can expect.
#22 1995 Zippo, Before And After. One Day It Will Look Like It Did Before The Sanding And Polish
I started with 400, then 600, then 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500. I made sure everything stayed rinsed off and wet the entire time. After that, I used "mothers mag & aluminum polish" for about 30 minutes. It was very nice when I got done, hairline scratches show up the second you put it in your pocket though and fingerprints are insane. That's the only downside to it. That, and it took me 5-6 hours to finish it.

Image credits: nothing_fancy21
#23 Viking Axe Before And After Restoration (10th–11th Century)

Image credits: Museum of Artifacts
#24 I Restored A Beat-To-Hell Old Pair Of Doc Martens I Found Lying Around My Neighborhood
Honestly, I didn’t use any hard chemicals or anything I just cleaned them using paper towels and water. I own a basic shoe shine kit that has a standard black shoeshine, a microfiber cloth, and a horsehair brush. After getting all the dirt off I spent like an hour or so applying and reapplying the shoeshiner to get to the point where the gloss was restored. You mostly have to focus on shining the toe and the heel because that’s where most of the damage will be. It’s a super simple process.

Image credits: jacobmay63
Nobody’s perfect and none of us are fantasy book protagonists, so more likely than not, you’re bound to mess up and make some major or minor mistakes while restoring whatever it is you chose to restore. Dealing with failure is a part of the process. It’s unavoidable because you’re learning new things and even if you’re a seasoned DIY veteran, you’re not somehow immune to messing up.
#25 Got A 100-Year-Old Painting Cleaned Earlier This Year

Image credits: jaguar_loco
#26 Instead Of Buying A $300 New Chandelier, I Bought This Antique One For $40 And Spent A Few Hours Buffing It Clean, And Also Glued A Few Loose Pieces

Image credits: reggit99
#27 Bought This Dinghy For $20 And Restored It. Taking It Out This Weekend
I bought this 8-foot pram a few weeks ago and restored it, all the wood was completely rotted except for the mahogany seats. The fiberglass shell was in great condition but it need some compound to smooth it out before a fresh coat of paint and some new gel coat on the outside. Pretty excited it take it out this weekend!

Image credits: Stagolee104
So it’s essential that you deal with any frustration that might come by embracing those mistakes that may or may not pop up. It’s all right if you nailed a board crookedly, messed up a detail while painting, or put the varnish on waaaay too thick: you can start fixing these things or, in the worst-case scenario, start over. They’re not mistakes, they’re learning opportunities! And just wait, you’ll be incredibly proud of yourself once you finish everything.
We'd love to hear which of these pics you enjoyed the most and if you've ever done anything similar, dear Pandas. Meanwhile, for some more restoration awesomeness, take a peek at Bored Panda's earlier list right over here.
#28 Restored My Stairs. Totally Did It Myself

Image credits: platamann
#29 I Do Custom Shoe Polishing And Dyeing! This Is My Newest Restoration

Image credits: zwxe
#30 1968 Fiberglass Boler
Picked up a 1968 Flat Top Boler a half-day trip away from our city. No leaks, great guts, working appliances & new tires!

Image credits: sososteph
#31 Bosch PB360 Radio I Found Thrown Away On The Site I Work At

Image credits: BassDropOP
#32 Coke Machine We Finished Up A Couple Of Months Ago For A Client

Image credits: FleetAdmiralWiggles
#33 Impressive Restoration Work

Image credits: TheOneThatGotBanned
#34 People Thought I Was Crazy... 04 SVT Cobra Resurrection
A lot of people thought I was crazy when I bought this car in the state it was in. But where they all saw a hopeless wreck of a car, I saw something with huge potential! I couldn't let this amazing car just return to the dust from whence it came!

Image credits: rainydayrecess
#35 Thrifted And Refinished A Set Of Teak Lounge Chairs

Image credits: DamnTheAdmiralty
#36 I Restored A Neglected Old Wrench. It Wasn't Ready To Retire

Image credits: Familiar_Big3322
#37 I Restored A $5 Kitchen-Aid Mixer I Found At The Thrift Store

Image credits: Benzona
#38 1968 Omega Constellation Auto Chronograph Of My Late Father's Before And After Service And Dial Restoration
Some say that the dial should have been left as was, but I don't agree. Dial is now back to its original condition.

Image credits: HolyMoley1789
#39 Restoration Complete

Image credits: HamsterNomad
#40 I Heard Y’all Like Cauldron Restorations (Circa 1840)

Image credits: Tugg-Speedmen
#41 Me And My Dad Restored This Yamaha Rajdoot 1979 Bike
My dad loves these bikes, he had one of them when he was young but he had to sell it because of money problems. My dad is happy after a long time.

Image credits: Jujhar_Singh
#42 60's Armchair Restoration

Image credits: Zwiado
#43 I'm Over Halfway Done Restoring This Leather Sofa, The Before And After Is Pretty Dramatic

Image credits: JephriB
#44 Nib Restoration

Image credits: pennsler
#45 Big Beautiful Bearded Hewing Axe Brought Back To Life

Image credits: Allixant
#46 Restored This See-Saw For My Kids

Image credits: MontaukNightSky
#47 Restored An Iron Bench, Replaced The Wood With Mahogany

Image credits: xanre_
#48 Upcycled Antique Boiler Door Turned Electric Fireplace/Liquor Cabinet
It was formerly used to heat the historic Adelphi Hotel in Saratoga Springs NY. The hotel underwent a preservation restoration and an astute construction worker saved it from demolition. I live in Erie Pennsylvania where the boiler was originally made so I drove up there and hauled it back to Erie. My family has ties to the company that made the boilers.

Image credits: OldStuff1909
#49 Revere Ware Pan I Got From The Flea Market Today

Image credits: tpstephens92
#50 Before And After Of My Rusty Plate Restoration

Image credits: apuch23
#51 Someone Was Throwing Away These Old Salad Servers, So I Took Them Home And Restored Them

Image credits: itbememebeit
#52 Although It Was In Bad Shape, I Happily Paid The $4 Sticker Price Because I Knew I Could Spruce It Up

Image credits: EnidColeslawToo
#53 Restored My Dad's 50-Year-Old Hammer As A Christmas Present

Image credits: turbo_man_
#54 I Detailed A 1968 Torino. Couldn't Believe I Was Able To Get The Seats This Clean

Image credits: Zewsey
#55 Last Summer Me And My Sister Secretly Restored Our Father's 64 Beetle. Results:
My father bought the beetle in the early 80s for about 20 dollars. in the 90's he got kids and the car was left to rot away in our backyard. Last winter I started working as a car painter assistant in hopes of becoming a car painter. Around the same time, my father started talking about the beetle! Witch he wanted to fix up but he felt that he needed to wait for retirement about 15 years away. So me and my sister thought maybe we should give it a shot and quickly try to fix it up for him so we did.
And to add insult to injury we totally trashed it as children. Plus he is a huge car guy and he goes to shows and always feelt like he wanted something to "show".

Image credits: kontjo
#56 Restored A Family Heirloom

Image credits: Cori-ly_Fries
#57 I Can’t Draw But I Consider This My Art. I Restored A Classic Stingray In My Garage

Image credits: iCommunicateInGifs
#58 Before And After Of Some Corcoran Jump Boots That I Refurbished

Image credits: littlebootboi
#59 Restored A BurgerTime Arcade Game
I got the cabinet about 11 months ago and just finished.. but a lot of that time was spent looking for parts and waiting on my art order. The stencils took about 2 weeks straight but only took on average less than an hour a day. Maybe ballpark 40-50 total hours of working on it. As far as cost, these are approx. about what I paid for everything:
Whole Legend of the Kage game: $250
Bezel: $120 shipped
Stencils and control panel overlay: $250 shipped
Wiring harness: $50 shipped
Marquee: $50 shipped
Paint, Brushes, Bondo, Sandpaper, etc: $100
Locks, Leg Levelers, and new marquee light: $40
Coin Box: $40 shipped
Burgertime PCB: $200
Sold the Legend of Kage PCB: -$100
Total Cost: $1000
As you can probably tell, with my time, this is not a big money maker. But I like doing it and love when the game is done.

Image credits: captain96
#60 I Bought This Coffee Table In 2018 For $15 At A Flea Market Because It Was Cheap And I Needed Something For My Living Room. Finally Got Around To Stripping It This Weekend

Image credits: account-info
#61 Painted Antique Mantle Restoration Transformation
We've worked our restoration magic on this antique solid walnut mantle.
This stunning piece came to us in dire need of help, coated in layers of white paint and falling apart. Now she's all fixed up and shining just as lovely as she did 100+ years ago.
The final result of this project was the most rewarding.

Image credits: kinfurnitureco
#62 Vintage Radio Restoration. This Is A Canadian Made Northern Electric Baby Champ 5400 Tube Radio I Just Finished Restoring
It was made approximately between 1948 - 1950ish.

Image credits: bapzranigan
#63 I Restored A Vintage, Wall-Mounted Coffee Grinder

Image credits: suertelou
#64 This House Where Only One Half Has Been Restored

Image credits: MyFriendReptar
#65 I Restored An Old Chair I Found In Our Basement
I recently bought a hanging chair for my room which came with a cotton bag. I was also in need of a chair for my desk so I searched the basement where I found this beautiful old chair whose cushion was totally ruined. So I took it off and cut the bag of my hanging chair into a piece that fits perfectly. I then nailed it with some antique nails onto my chair and I just love the way it turned out. It also fits to my hanging chair now which is awesome.

Image credits: Aermarine
#66 My First Cast Iron Restoration

Image credits: No_Explorer6445
#67 My Husband And I Restored This Old Vice. He Made It Work And I Made It Pretty

Image credits: zombre555
#68 Restored This Old Bench Grinder For A Customer That Inherited It From His Father, Who Inherited It From His Father. Now That It's Restored He's Going To Pass It On To His Son

Image credits: donotmatthews
#69 Teak Table Restoration

Image credits: reddit.com
#70 A Cleaned Silver Shot Glass Next To Its Tarnished Sibling

Image credits: ianlukekane
#71 Went For A Nautical “British Royal Navy Ship Captain” Kinda Look. Needs A Little More Patina On Some Places, But Pleased With It So Far

Image credits: sogingerly
#72 My Wife Cleaned The Knobs Off Of The Old Cabinets In Our Basement

Image credits: KombuchaMushroomPeop
#73 Restored This Mid-Century Modern Dresser I Found For Free On Craigslist

Image credits: senatorwheeler
#74 Fully Restored Papa Bear Chair - Before And After Photos

Image credits: setho212
#75 Old Russian/Soviet Woodworking Machine Restored

Image credits: ati2705
#76 Ex-Wife Was Gonna Throw This Out So I Refinished It. Happy With The Results

Image credits: Technical_Corgi6561
#77 I Restored This 1930's Smoking Stand I Found. The Only Thing I'm Still Working On Is The Electric Lighter

Image credits: AuuD_
#78 $5 Thrift Store Find Into Pet Bed For New Puppy

Image credits: yesterdayseyeliner
#79 Green Gameboy Restoration

Image credits: AshLeary
#80 Just Finished Restoring An Antique Micrometer Stand, Thought It Might Appreciated Here
I've got a collection of J.T. Slocomb micrometers in my home shop, and I recently acquired a Slocomb micrometer stand-off on eBay. It was in pretty sorry shape when I got it... Somewhere along its life, a previous owner remade the wooden slats out of cheap plywood and didn't see a need to disassemble anything before painting (including the rubber bumpers between the mics).
I re-remade the slats in oak, and the frames were stripped and repainted semi-gloss black. The bumpers were also replaced with short lengths of the rubber fuel hose.
The age of the stand is a rough guess... The nameplate dates this stand to sometime after the early 50s. J.T. Slocomb was located in Providence, RI until 1953, when the company relocated to Glastonbury, CT.
I've restored all the mics in this stand (plus many, many more). They all have Providence, RI stamped on the thimbles, which puts them between 70-120 years old.

Image credits: ExHempKnight
#81 I Knew I Was Going To Have A Slow Day At Work So I Decided To Try To Restore My Dad’s Old Dress Shoes

Image credits: OG_Robes
#82 I Restored This Vintage Filipino Bolo Knife That I Bought On Ebay

Image credits: rodneymallari
#83 I Restored Another Vinyl Sleeve

Image credits: Francescodiazizi
#84 My Father Unexpectedly Passed Away In October Of A Heart Attack. As A Tribute To Him, I Decided To Restore His Workbench And Learn How To Become As Handy As He Was
Here’s the workbench now. I’m pretty proud of myself overall. I look forward to improving myself and working on future projects!

Image credits: MarcAdark
#85 Restoring Great Grandfather's Trunk (From 1911)

Image credits: welker4mvp
#86 Been Using My Great-Grandfather's Razor For A While Now. Decided To Clean And Polish It This Morning. Most Frugal Way To Shave. Blades Are Dirt Cheap! Before/After

Image credits: joeyisnotmyname
#87 I Was Given A Stanley Plane That Was Buried For 50 Years. Challenge Accepted
A friend of mine has a barn and recently started working on the floor. The barn is about 50 years old, and when pulling up the floor he found this buried below. Now he knows that I am a huge fan of hand-tool woodworking, as well as rat rods and Mad Max. So he figured I would enjoy the plane. He was right.

Image credits: KernCreations
#88 I Turned Rusty Hammer To Mjölnir

Image credits: Randomista
#89 Grundig Majestic Radio Restoration
I restored this 1955 Grundig Majestic 7061W to working condition. I discovered it broken in a secondhand furniture store for $75 and decided to accept the challenge, despite having no experience with restoration or antique radios. I realized the six-tube radio was beyond my skills for repair, so I hired a local enthusiast to fix it while I redid the cabinet.

Image credits: fitzomania
#90 I Restored A 1920's "Chicago" Automatic Pencil Sharpener Co (APSCO) Pencil Sharpener

Image credits: CatalystRestorations
#91 Restoring Great-Grandfather's Estwing Hammer

Image credits: barefootworkshopguy
#92 1940's Ladies' Boots Before And After Polishing And New Laces

Image credits: midnightpeizhi
#93 I Won The Lottery And Then Turned This Into That. Silver-Plated Kettle Restoration, With Burner

Image credits: le-click
#94 At Some Point, Someone Has To Teach Us The Importance Of Applying White Leather Preservative To Our Investments

Image credits: brazenxbull
#95 Update On My $5 Thrift Store Allen Edmond Shoes. Spent The Afternoon Focusing On The Right Shoe Just To Get This Picture
They had some deep discoloration so I decided to re-dye them since I don’t have any dark brown shoes.

Image credits: chadlikemad
#96 Restored My Grandfather's Carpenter's Hatchet Last Year (It's Between 75-100 Years Old). Not Too Bad For A High Schooler If I Do Say So Myself

Image credits: C_Greuel04
#97 Some Cheap Rit Dye Made My Old Backpack Look New Again
I've used this bag for work for about 5 years now and it’s been stained and sun-damaged plenty. Instead of just throwing it away and spending money on a new bag, I got a ~$5 bottle of rit dye and made it look brand new again.
How: I filled a 5-gallon bucket with about 3.5 gallons of hot water, added a bottle of black Rit, dunked the backpack in there, and stirred occasionally for a little over an hour - then I cleaned it in my sink with mild detergent a million times until the excess ink was gone and the water was clear (others are recommending a vinegar bath to prevent bleeding, but I’ve never had issues just doing it my way). I repeated all of that the next day to get it darker. To make it look new I starched and ironed the bag to stiffen and form it, and give it that new sheen.

Image credits: dogmetal
#98 All-Clad Restoration Project
I found a 12-inch All-Clad stainless steel frying pan in the garbage. Apparently, someone gave up on it, but I was up to the challenge. A few years ago I had a nice chat with an All-Clad rep at Macy's. She told me that the secret to cleaning their stainless steel pans was to use the Barkeeper's Friend. Not steel wool. Now I could put this knowledge to the test.

Image credits: edac2
#99 After Years Of Watching Restoration Videos On Youtube, I Decided To Try To Restore Something Myself! I Think It Turned Out Okay. 1950s Wonder Lamp

Image credits: ben-fozz
#100 A 36-Year-Old, Well-Loved, Stuffed Animal Restoration By Me
I've had Snuggles bear for over 36 years, he was a gift my Grammy got me and I took him everywhere. I found him in storage some months back, but even after washing him in bleach, he looked icky. I reached out to a stuffed animal restorer months ago, but the waiting list is years long. So, after watching some videos, I decided to do my best.

Image credits: _cafe_bustelo_
#101 Garden Bench - We Just Purchased A Power Washer, And This Was Our First Project. We Were Pleasantly Surprised

Image credits: jgibbons60