164 Times People Couldn’t Believe Their Luck In Thrift Stores, Flea Markets, And Garage Sales (New Pics)
Thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales are like Aladdin’s cave: you never know what treasures you’ll find inside. That’s where the Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared Facebook group comes in—it’s a page dedicated to sharing the oddities that people spot in thrift shops. Scroll down to have a look and let us know in the comments which finds caught your attention the most. Oh, and don’t forget to upvote your fave photos!
We know how much you love odd thrift store finds, so when you’re done feasting your eyes on this list, you can find our other newest posts about bizarre secondhand finds right here, here, and here.
Bored Panda reached out to one of the founders of the Weird Secondhand Finds group. They told us all about how the page got started, shared some great insights about the close-knit community, and spoke about the peculiar things that people find in the dark corners of the Earth. Scroll down for our interview with them.
More info: Facebook | Facebook (HQ) | Instagram (HQ)
#1 My Greatest Thrift Find Ever. When I Bought It I Only Thought The Dots Would Glow. I Was Shocked When I Turned It On!! Best $10 I Ever Spent. Hope House Foundation Thrift Shop, Norfolk Va

Image credits: Hannah Marie
#2 My Wonderful 99 Year Old Grandad Is Moving Into A Nursing Home. We Are Cleaning Out His House And I Was Given This, Now One Of My Favourite Possessions
It is a dice that he made while he was a prisoner of war during WWII. Obviously it isn’t up to casino standards but it must have helped to pass the time! Interestingly, despite the very rustic charm of this piece, my grandad is a very talented woodworker, making beautiful carvings and furniture well into his 80s

Image credits: Steph Roberts
#3 I Found This Old TV When Cleaning Out In The Attic In My Grandma's House
They put in under a blanket to keep it away from dust and I think it has been there for over 40 years. Instead of throwing it away I took it with me and built a bar. You can store 12 bottles in it and turn on the light with the original on/off button hope you like it

Image credits: Thomas Schlund
“My family and friends have always had a love and passion for interesting and unusual things, and we had been texting each other photos of items that we saw (and often purchased) in thrift stores and at yard sales for years. My best friend and I were chatting on Christmas Eve one year and it occurred to us that it might be more fun to share our photos in a Facebook group, rather than via text so that it would be easier to go back and see what each of us had found, and to have a record of what we had seen through the years,” one of the founders told us about how things first got started.
“It really all started as a gathering place intended for our friends and family but we left it as an open group purely because it never occurred to us that anyone outside of our circle would share this odd interest we have.”
#4 My $2 Yardsale Find Today! Already Had The Perfect Plant For It Too

Image credits: Leah Couch
#5 Found A Matching Brooch For My Tattoo While Antiquing In The Georgetown Tx Square. I Did Get It For A Whole $22

Image credits: Rebecca Matzen
#6 I Went Thrifting And Did Not Expect To Find This Year’s “Easter Dress” In All Its Glory Hanging Before Me!!!!!
What the fluffle (that’s the term for a group of rabbits btw)!!??!! I am tickled pink...And blue...And purple over my sweet find!!!You’d better believe I’m wearing this bad boy as I hop along to church, to teach, to walmart, pump gas and to the grave!! $6.99 goodwill Williamsburg, VA

Image credits: Shannon Hague
The co-founder said that slowly but surely others started to join the group. “I panicked for a moment but then I thought, ‘Heck, it will be intriguing to see what other people have to share. Why not?’ Originally, we expected to have about a dozen members; when strangers started joining, we thought maybe we’d get to a hundred. Now, three years later, we’re approaching the two million-member mark!" The group currently has over 1,875,000 members.
“Who knew that what we all thought was a niche hobby actually has a huge passionate community behind it that just needed a clubhouse to gather in? Witnessing how people connect in this group is what keeps us passionate about running it,” they said. “I personally put between thirty and forty hours a week into moderating the group but every time I see how much joy it brings people, I’m reminded why it’s worth doing all the work it takes.”
#7 Couldn’t Overlook The “Imperfeckshuns” So It Stayed At Goodwill In Lansing Il

Image credits: Chloe Burton
#8 Found This Fabulous Body Central Jumpsuit For $5 At The Habitat For Humanity Restore In Hot Springs, Ar. It’s Too Long, But Came Home With Me Nonetheless. Time To Learn How To Hem A Garment!

Image credits: Karen Shell Connally
#9 My Awesome Goodwill Find

Image credits: Dee DeJesus
According to the co-founder, their favorite thing about the community is how supportive everyone is of other members. “When someone mentions having a bad day, or being ill, or just needing a bit of a morale boost, the community comes out in droves to offer support. We constantly see members lifting each other up, sending each other gifts, and enthusiastically embracing each other's quirks on a daily basis.” Now that’s what we call a wholesome crowd.
“Another wonderful side effect of this community is that it has renewed, and in some cases even sparked, an interest in secondhand shopping for a lot of people. They’re starting to see secondhand stores in a different light. We hear all the time from members who haven’t been thrifting in a long time or have never really been interested in it, and now can’t wait to go out treasure hunting.”
#10 My Husband And I Bought Our House Last December. I Just Noticed The Doorbell Plate Recently. It’s The Four Seasons Depicted, And I Think It’s Pretty Cool!

Image credits: Teena Guffey
#11 Someone Might Ask Themselves While Browsing The Racks At Goodwill, “Who Would Wear A Long Sleeve Iridescent Sequin Crop Top?” Well The Answer Is This Sparkle Bear

Image credits: Brent Gbear
#12 Went Antiquing In A Small Town (Woodbury, Tn) Today And Found This Completely Adorable Little Fridge Full Of Office Supplies! Yes, That’s Right... Office Supplies!

Image credits: Barbara Lance
26 billion pounds of clothing go to the landfill each year and shopping secondhand prevents some of that from happening. Not to mention that you get to score some kitschy goods and amazing threads if you’re lucky.
“Some of the most popular posts in our group are people modeling some marvelous, wacky, and amazing outfits they’ve found. And they somehow always manage to look incredible in them. There are a lot of outfits that people have secretly desired in the past, maybe even tried them on, but ultimately passed them up because they felt silly wearing them,” the founder told Bored Panda.
#13 Couldn’t Leave The Goodwill Without This Cactus Lamp. What A Masterpiece My Cat’s Name Is Nami. She’s A Meowdel. You Can Find Her On Instagram

Image credits: Mallory Chase Latham
#14 One Secondhand Tarot Shower Curtain Launched This Whole Thrifted Costume
Assembled with glue, zip ties, and safety pins, using all thrift store garments and gewgaws, this ensemble came together just in time for a mystery & magic event. Thank you, thrift stores!

Image credits: Paige Gardner
#15 My Collection Of Flower And Bug Brooches
I finally got around to making this display. My original goal was to have it made for my daughter’s first birthday. She’s now 3 and a half. Better late then never! All pieces were found at estate sales and flea markets.

Image credits: Anna Coy
“Now there’s this whole giant community coveting that jean jacket covered in rhinestones and decoupaged pictures of cats. Items others may have overlooked in the past as being too strange for public consumption, our community fully and wholeheartedly embraces.”
They added: “We wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s truly beautiful to see people celebrating their weird with fervor.”
#16 My Granny Had Given Me My First Crystal Cat When I Was Roughly In The 4th Grade (Mid 90's)
My mom flipped a switch after my parents divorced and ended up in jail, eventually prison. Not many things survived my childhood. One thing I made sure I kept safe and hidden was this crystal cat. Always in my socks, inside a sock, inside a sock, a little nesting doll of sorts. My Granny was my everything, she raised me. My mom passed away almost 4 years ago, then my Granny a year later. I rarely wander Goodwill in the "knick knack" section, something drew me towards it today and I found my third crystal cat! (Second kitty was also found at a different Goodwill about two years ago. ) It's not much, but it makes me think of how far I've come out of the darkness and my beautiful Granny everytime I catch a glimpse of those kitties

Image credits: Stacy Edison
#17 Found These Gnarly Guys At A Yard Sale Today! Brings Back Memories!

Image credits: Joshua Simmers
#18 It's A Kinetic "Six Man Clock" Sculpture By Gordon Bradt. It Looked Intricate And Artistic So I Did A Quick Google And Discovered There Are Two On Ebay Listed For $600 (Non-Functioning) And $1250. It Was $20!
My mom invited my sister and I to a "Garage & treasures sale" yesterday and my sister had filled a couple bags but I wasn't finding much... I had already passed this by once (it was hidden by a sheet of instructions taped to the front) but was making a second pass when I lifted the page to see what is was. It's a kinetic "Six man clock" sculpture by gordon bradt. It looked intricate and artistic so I did a quick google and discovered there are two on ebay listed for $600 (non-functioning) and $1250. It was $20! I shoved it into my bag without even checking to see if it worked

Image credits: Ashley Wehrman
#19 My Boyfriend Got These Super Cool 1960s-1970s Metal Trays
So I’ve been telling my boyfriend how much I wanted a set of TV trays so that we could have some sort of surface in our living room so I’m not always stuck at our kitchen. And he got these super cool 1960s-1970s metal trays from his coworker. For free. They belonged to her grandmother and she just didn’t want them anymore. The picture doesn’t do them justice. They are this pretty matte peach with gold flowers

Image credits: Alli Edwards
#20 Speaking Of Rocky Horror... Got This Amazing Dr. Frank-N-Furter Doll Out Of A Free Box At A Yard Sale! Even Plays The Time Warp!

Image credits: Chelsea Sanders
#21 Chippo The Hippo
This little guy has been in my hands no less than three times at my go to vintage mall market, in Oakdale NY, however he had a chip on his left ear and the seller wanted a firm 12.00. Yesterday my guy came with me to help me hunt pyrex ( he’s my bowl spotter, lol) and I asked him to also keep an eye out for a hippo.. Who does he find? The hippo with the bum ear. He is a cutey and frank promptly started calling him Chippo and insisted on buying him for me. Told me to hit the ear with a sharpie and no one will ever notice. I’d say he’s correct and “Chippo” a Lenox endangered animal series pygmy hippo is now very happy in his new home protecting yet another collection of mine my cornflower blue corning ware lol

Image credits: Jodi Caravella
#22 Over The Last 10 Years Of Retirement My Mom Goes To Goodwill Every Wednesday For Seniors Discount Day. She Is So Proud Of Her Collection And Said I Could Share It For Her Because She Don't Have Facebook On Her 10 Year Old Flip Phone
My mom turned 75 years old. I showed her a old pic of her from 1968 and she laughed and said she was real good at ice skating. She said she is still really good at it. She posed for a pic to show me how its done.
She talked for a hour about her collections of bears. She now has 500 beanie babies: )
It just warmed my heart to hear her talk about her collections. She loves painting and always has so what would she ask for her birthday???
A used bowling pin I cant wait to see what she paints on her pin.
When I was leaving she said maybe next time we could go ice skating. The older I get the more I realize where I got my crazy can do anything imagination

Image credits: Tammy Keating
#23 We've Always Joked That Our Cat Karen Cant Get Close Enough To Me, Well Tonight Her Dreams Came True

Image credits: Annalesha Nice
#24 Thrifted Plant Stand From Tollbooth Antiques In Columbia Pa. The Guy Made This From Vintage Retro Tables That Came Damaged Or Stained!

Image credits: Destiny Smith
#25 Hey, Who Needs A Pac Man Leisure Suit? Found This Past Weekend At A Flea Market In Ky

Image credits: Lynne Clark
#26 I Found This Amazing Veggie Dress At The Treasure Hunt In Waveland, Ms, For Only $12.00!! That May Seem Like A Lot But It’s A Modcloth Dress Y’all!! They Tend To Cost $60 Or More!

Image credits: Britt Spears
#27 Behold Grumpy Cat In All Her Heavenly Glory!!!!!

Image credits: Dana Bobana
#28 Found At A Place Called "The Thrift Store" For A Dollar! A Dollar!!!! Who, In Their Right Mind Would Get Rid Of Something So Fabulously American?!?

Image credits: Mario Menchaca
#29 From Goodwill The Force Was Strong With My 6 Bucks!

Image credits: Melissa Waters
#30 This Has Never Happened To Me Before. I Found The Thrifted Shirt I Was Wearing At Another Thrift Store. The Imposter Did Not Come Home With Me

Image credits: Andy Corn
#31 When Someone Is Selling Their Intricate, One-Of-A-Kind, Hand-Carved African Bed, You Immediately Spend Your Entire Stimulus Check To Bring It Home
From a social distancing-compliant yard sale in Mechanicsville, VA... When someone is selling their intricate, one-of-a-kind, hand-carved african bed, created from teak logs found at the bottom of a kenyan river, you immediately spend your entire stimulus check to bring it home (as I did)

Image credits: Jeremy DiMaio
#32 My Dad Died Of Cancer A Little Over A Month Ago, And When We Were Cleaning Out His House, I Came Across This Bad Boy, Covered In Dust. It Now Is Proudly Displayed Next To Our Home Bar Area

Image credits: Samantha Paedae
#33 I Found This Door Knocker At A Jumble Sale Well Over 10 Years Ago
I found this door knocker at a jumble sale well over 10 years ago and shoved him in the shed for a later project, I remembered him last week and figured during lock down he could finally be given the tlc needed. Turns out he's the messenger to the gods (hermes) over 150 years old and quite valuable. He's going on my front door this weekend (before and after pics)

Image credits: Shar Ainsworth
#34 This Stain Glass Whale Light Measuring 4' Long Was Going To Be Thrown In A Dumpster
It was hanging in a wood shop so it was covered with a thick layer of saw dust. I brought it home and cleaned it up really well and it turned out looking really nice. I love whales and I'm extremely happy to have saved this beautiful one of a kind piece of art from being destroyed. It's in it's forever home!

Image credits: Chris Braga
#35 Thrift Store Score!! Found This Fainting Sofa With Fold Out Bed

Image credits: Lorena Aldridge-Garrigus
#36 Found Three Gorgeous Carved Pig Skulls At An Antique Market! All Real Bone In Great Condition.

Image credits: Maddie Smith
#37 Foam Medusa Snake Hair! Found At Gw In Sacramento. Thankfully I Didn’t Turn To Stone Looking At Myself

Image credits: Steve E. Lipman
#38 This Is By Far The Coolest Thing I've Ever Found
Left them all there as they need to be bought together, and they are $18 each sadly

Image credits: Alice Milson
#39 I’m Not Sure If This Colorful Whatchamacallit Is A Dress Or A Shirt But I Found It On The Floor At The Local Thrift Store In Lewisville Texas. Yes It’s Came Home With Me, Will Wash It And Y’all Know I’m Going To Rock It!

Image credits: Danyelle Bridgewater
#40 This Extreme Patterned Short Sleeved Power Blazer With Built-In Buff Shoulder Pads Was Made In Italy And Even Though I Seriously Considered Bringing It Home, It Stayed At The Glendora Goodwill. Ciao, Baby

Image credits: Cristi Alvarez
#41 Found A Crazy Jacket At A Second Hand Store I Love Al The Colors , And Of Course It Came Home With Me

Image credits: Tamara Nakken
#42 Me: This Green Sequined Whatever It May Be Is Awesome, But Where On Earth Would I Wear It. Also Me:
The world’s oldest drag queen (according to the guinness book of world records), Darcelle, is performing tonight. If I don’t wear a sequined hotpants outfit there, I may never in fact wear it. Darcelle said I killed it!

Image credits: Kim Potowski
#43 Found This Treasure In A Thrift Store In Tennessee

Image credits: T.J. Brummett
#44 My Brother Found This Gem At The Plaza Thrift Store In Mckinney, Texas Today For $3...you Bet Your Butt He Knows Me Well Enough That He Bought It For Me

Image credits: Thomas Isaac
#45 Saw This Amazing Octopus/Lasagna Dress
Saw this as I was leaving texas thrift in hurst at closing time. Went back the next day to try it on and it fit! It absolutely came home with me and now my dreams of becoming ursula the sea witch are all coming true! Only $16 bucks!

Image credits: Charis Smith-Smith
#46 My Heart Fell In Love. The Second I Saw This Chair I Knew It Was The Perfect Candy Stash Chair... Turns Out It Holds Gummy Bears And Fruit By The Foot Perfectly

Image credits: Michell Rogers
#47 I Found A Corner Desk And Wicker Table On The Side Of The Road
I grabbed both, not knowing what I would do with them. Finally, it occurred to me to take the legs off the desk, remove the drawer, flip it upside down, paint it, and turn it into a fairy garden! The wicker table was the perfect size for the garden to sit upon. I love looking for new things to put in my fairy garden when I am out thrifting

Image credits: Danna Fegley Richards
#48 I Found This Retro, Hand Tooled Mushroom, Leather Purse The Other Day. Had My Daughter Color The Mushrooms For Me So It Looks Like Some Of The Vintage Purses I've Seen In The Past. I Absolutely Love This Find!!!

Image credits: Lana Poulin
#49 Found This Little Bow Tie At Salvation Army In Vernon Ct. Perfect For My Little Man, Hamilton! Just Lookit Himbs!

Image credits: Christina Tolisano
#50 Found A Cool Globe For $25 At Goodwill Today

Image credits: Macey Wacholz
#51 My Gram Just Sent Me This Huge She-Ra Pillow Doll In A Box Of Thrifted Sewing Stuff! I Had To Stuff Her Myself But It Was Worth It!

Image credits: Heather Prescott Liebensohn
#52 Found This Amazing 50s/60s Cigarette Holder/Music Box/Globe With Zodiac Signs On It At A Flea Market. An Older Lady Sold It For 20 Bucks, She Said It Was Her Mother's

Image credits: Julia Maria
#53 Found This Tiny Glass Bottle That Says "Drops" While Prepping The Garden

Image credits: Marissa Halsey
#54 I Feel Like This Is Tacky But I Honestly Love It. Toilet Mug Found At The Local Salvation Army, Repurposed As Bathroom Decor

Image credits: Molly Ringer
#55 Well I Just Had To Get This! Paid $12.99 From Thrift Giant In Lewisville, Texas. Not Sure Where I’m Gong To Wear It But I’m Sure I Will Be In The Birds Eye View Of The Party

Image credits: Danyelle Bridgewater
#56 Can’t Believe I Found An Original Da Vinci Painting At My Local Salvos

Image credits: Tayla Glason
#57 I Inherited This From A Friend Who Found It Among Her Mother's Things. She Offered It To Me But I Would Have Dove Into A Dumpster For It. Is It A Clock? Is It A Lipstick? Its A Lipstick Clock. (Glasses To Show Size)

Image credits: Jan Gregory Moore
#58 I Was Shopping For A Vintage Dress When I Came Across This Shell Coin Purse At The Vault In Beaverton, Or. I Have Absolutely No Need For This, But Fell In Love And Brought It Home With Me. As The Lady Said To Me, "Aren't Those Victorian's Clever?"

Image credits: Jenny Han
#59 My Absolute Favorite Secondhand Possession. The Brain Lamp
My mom picked this up at a yardsale in the 1970's. It somehow survived in our basement tv room through five kids, a few dogs, and a 500 mile move in the mid 1980"s. After my dad passed in 1997, my mom was downsizing and preparing to move again. In the garage sale pile was The Brain. Gasp! Thankfully I happened to be visiting, snatched it up and it once again made a 500 mile trip home with me. It has since survived an additional four moves, kids, dogs, and grandkids. Over the years I have looked for this lamp on different sites. I have never found a match.

Image credits: Sherri Doerflein Neiheisel
#60 This Is Mr. Dave Velociraptor Or More Commonly Known As Dave The House Dino. I Rescued Him At Christmas Time From The Side Of The Road, He's Made Up Of Welded Parts Of Scrap Metal And Sits Proudly Guarding My Front Door In Western Australia

Image credits: Klara Lawley
#61 Came Across This Old Post I Made And Wanted To Share It With You Guys I Gave It To My Little Neighbor Girls And They Love It

Image credits: Alma-Whyte Whitfield
#62 My Friend And I Decided To Look Through The Pictures At A Red Racks In Kansas City, Mo And Found This Brutally Honest Piece Of Art. It Didn't Come Home With Me, I Don't Need That Negativity In My Life

Image credits: Crystal Burden-Bond
#63 I Got This Cute Little Stove For 10.00 At My Local Salvation Army In Utica. It Even Has Little Pots That Came With It And The Burners Come Off The Top Too. I'm Not Sure Where I Will Put It, But I Needed It . Does Anyone Know How To Clean The Rust Off It?

Image credits: Pamela Heintz
#64 I Found This Awesome 70’s Leopard Dress At A Vintage Store In Portland Or, I Have Been Waiting For The Right Occasion To Break It Out But I Think I Am Just Going To Start Wearing It To The Grocery Store

Image credits: Kelley Jacobson
#65 This Was To Be Thrown Away By My Cousin.. It Belonged To My Grandma... It's A 1950's Manual Ice Crusher, You Put In Ice And Turn The Handle

Image credits: Alejandra Ceja
#66 I Saw This Glorious Ron Swanson Dress At Goodwill
Red isn't my color so I passed it up at first... But then I saw someone else looking at it and I got mega jealous. As soon as they left it I went and scooped it up. Notice it says, "Bae" under his face

Image credits: Mackenzi Kylee
#67 A Sardine Pin That Is A Literal Sardine... On A Pin. Poor Little Guy Probably Never Thought That Eternity Would Entail Being Encased In Wax As A Fashion Accessory

Image credits: Monica Magliari
#68 Found This At A Thrift Store In Oshkosh, Wi. I Mean If Only They Could Have Stitched The Count In This It Would Be Perfect Then Lol

Image credits: Troy Folske
#69 I May Be A Crafty Ol' Crone But I'm Not A Rocking Chair Person So This Stayed. The Swing Out Hidden Compartment Rocks! Sorry Didn't Look At Price, East Hill Renton Goodwill

Image credits: Keisha Marie Reis
#70 My Friend Deborah Passed Away And While Cleaning Out Her Home, I Discovered This Vintage Candy Striper Gown From New Orleans’ Old Charity Hospital. My Favorite Mardi Gras Costume To Date

Image credits: Adam Mitchell
#71 My Husband Was So Excited To Find An Original Hugsy, Just Like Joey’s On “Friends”, With The 1999 Tag Still Attached. $2 From A Neighbor’s Garage Sale. Our Boys Think He’s Creepy Though, And Want Us To Give Him Back

Image credits: Laura McDermott
#72 This Bad Boy Was Found By My Spouse, In Boxes Headed To The Dump- Remnants Of His Relative's Estate. From The '72-'77 TV Hit Show On Nbc, Emergency!

Image credits: April Harrison Driskel
#73 I Got These Taxidermy Butterflies For The Amazing Price Of $250 (If You Don’t Know Taxidermy, A Single Butterfly Can Start At About $65)

Image credits: Sarah Wilson
#74 Ever Have One Of Those Colds Where Your Sinuses Feel Like A Water Faucet? (The Funny Things You Find At Thrift Stores. Ha Ha)

Image credits: Holly Russell Godard
#75 I Was So Excited To Find This...only To Be Disappointed In The Dressing Room. Sadly, This Was Left Behind At Savers Located In Warwick, Ri. Hoping A Fellow Cat Lover Finds This And Wears It With...pride!

Image credits: Nikki Nyne
#76 Saw This Ab-So-Lute-Lee Deadly Cat Onesie At Vv In Chilliwack, Bc - I So Very Much Wanted It, Alas, I Was Denied Since It Fit A Little Too Snuggly In Some Areas. Had To Have A Pic As Proof It Exists And I Temporarily Rawked It

Image credits: Chris Pearson
#77 My Father Works For The Local School System And They Were Throwing This Out. Yes It Now Has A Forever Home! Both The Living And Non Living One

Image credits: Cody Wood
#78 Picked Up A Bob's Burgers Cookie Jar At Goodwill For $1.99! Didnt Have Any Cookies So I Filled It With Ramen Packets For Now

Image credits: Ryan Persenico
#79 I Need A Shaper But Otherwise I Think I Found My Thrift Store Gala Outfit!!!

Image credits: Hannah Rose
#80 I Bought This Robe The Other Day At Goodwill And It Turns Out It Belonged To A Friend When She Had Her First Child
So I'm currently in the hospital in labor and delivery trying to squeeze out my little, precious, heathen of a crotch goblin and have been keeping all my family and friends updated. I bought this robe the other day at goodwill and it turns out it belonged to a friend when she had her first child. Maybe it will bring me some luck!

Image credits: Amber Zack
#81 Today I Found This Ashtray At A Local Flea Market And I Really, Really Liked It! I Got It For Around 1,3 Euro. Since I Don't Smoke, I Filled It With Candy.

Image credits: Sunčica Lovrić Djuričić
#82 Since I Know We All Really Need A Laugh Right Now, Here Is My Late Grandmother's Rubber Puke

Image credits: Leia Scotton
#83 I Found The Mcperfect Ring! Did Not Buy Because It Was A McDonald's Ring In 14kt Yellow Gold With A Diamond For $350

Image credits: Camille Rauch
#84 1960s Hot Air Balloon Basket. Poa. Spotted At Platform No. 5, Castlemaine, Victoria

Image credits: Claire Stollery
#85 Here’s One Of My Favorite Antique Finds
We picked up this cabinet of old mail boxes a couple years ago at an antiques and pinball machines show in Illinois. I forget now how old this is, but I think it was from the 60’s. It took some work to get the musty smell out of the cubbies. This thing is heavy!!

Image credits: Eileen Saarela Bell
#86 Found This Insanely Cool Little Cigarette Holder In A Thrift Shop In Moosejaw, Saskatchewan Today. I Couldn't Possibly Love It More. For $6, You Bet It Came Home With Me!

Image credits: Keeziah Rhiannah Dugas
#87 This Painting Is My Absolute Favorite Flea Market Find. Titled "Meat Market Man", He's Almost Four Feet Tall And Hanging In My Living Room Where He Can Always Be Seen

Image credits: Jennifer McNeely
#88 Found This Spider Pin At A Garage Sale Today For $0.25. Put It On My Shoulder And Scared The Life Out Of My 10 Year Old

Image credits: Jaclyn Kevin Little
#89 I Wanted To Replace The One I Had As A Child But Ended Up With 100. So Happy The Thrift Stores Are Reopening

Image credits: Tom Allman
#90 I Just Bought This Beauty From An Antique Store In Quincy Il
It had sat in the little shop for so long they sold it to me for $150! It is lilac velvet and in pristine shape. My pupper loves it just as much as I do. It will be my statement piece in my future sitting parlor. We are currently restoring a house built in the 1860s

Image credits: Blaine Kemp
#91 A Very Interesting Find At The Antique Store Lol I Did Not Buy This I Just Thought It Was Hilarious. I Don't Remember A Shrek Barbie And I Had A Ton!

Image credits: Samantha DeBord
#92 In October 2018, My 95-Year-Old Grandmother Passed Away. While In Massachusetts, I Spent Some Time Going Through Her Home. A Home Very Minimally Changed At All Since The Early 1960's
On the first day, I found in her jewelry box what I suspected was a Mother's Ring, based on the number of stones, and knowing one was my dad's birth month for sure.
I reached out to my cousins to see what their dads' birthstones were. One said it made sense, the stone matched. But the other stone color didn't seem to match up with any birth month. The other cousin said her dad did seem to remember my grandfather giving my grandmother a mother's ring though, so we thought the mystery was solved. End of story, right?
The night that I returned to my own home in Florida, I had made one very last trip by her house to say goodbye to it on my way to the airport. It was harder than the last couple days, because the estate cleaning crew had started, and there were 4-5 large black trash bags filled and knotted in the middle of each room. Walls were bare. The mantle empty. Her table next to her recliner completely clean swept of all her notes to herself. No more crossword puzzle books or tabloids.
In one of the bedrooms, a small office trashcan was sat on the bed, and any papers or cards from in the desk were in it. On top, I spotted some very retro blank baby shower invitations and shower thank you cards, probably from the early 50's. Being the vintage hoarder I am, I salvaged the small stack, tucked it in my pocket, said goodbye to the house, and headed to the airport.
When I finally walked back into my apartment in Florida, I took that stack of cards out of my carry-on to take a better look through them... and out fell a folded up, yellowed, scrap of a magazine clipping.
When I opened it up, I audibly gasped.
I'm sure I turned white.
Nana had clipped an advertisement for a mother's ring out of a magazine, ticked off the correct stones for all the kids, and almost certainly must have left it out for my grandfather as a hint, back in the late 60's.
The odds of ME stumbling upon this seemingly insignificant little scrap are worse than me winning MegaMillions, let me tell you.
I had absolutely ZERO idea it existed. Why would it even have been saved at all?! Nevermind that it was so serendipitously in that handful of trashed stationary I took out of a garbage can hours earlier!
I think Nana Po wanted me to have that fun little anecdote to go with the ring.
She always loved to tell a good story

Image credits: Emily Jayne
#93 Finally Have Something Worthy To Post In This Group! I Got A Homemade Panic! At The Disco Blanket For $5, At A Goodwill In Round Rock, Texas. My Scene Kid Heart Is Screaming

Image credits: Ashlynne Phillips
#94 Need Some Stairs? Need A Cabinet? Need A Stair Shaped Cabinet? You’re In Luck! Found This Cool Piece In Camden, Sc At Aaa Antiques. I Actually Fell In Love With It, But Sadly We Don’t Have The Room. It’s About 5’ Wide And 14” Deep. It Was Pulled Out Of An Old House There In Town

Image credits: Amanda Roberts Campbell
#95 This Is A Spoon That My Mom Gave Me When I Got Married. Her Mom Gave It To Her And I Believe It Is Originally From My Great-Grandmother
The spoon says Nepal on the handle. She gave me a whole bunch a cool spoons from all over the world but this is my favorite because it's also a fork!! Way better setup than a spork too

Image credits: Audrey Cattanach
#96 Why Would Anyone Ever Think That Making A Fancy Box Out Of Random Old Keys From Keyboards Is Beyond Me! This Was At The Savers In Crestwood, Mo This Weekend! I Did Not Buy It, Can't Believe I Even Touched It!

Image credits: Rozilyn Daniels
#97 My Husband Bought This Creepy Ventriloquist Bunny Dummy From A Guy Who Inherited It From A Man Who Passed Away. His Eyes And Mouth Move, And There's Even A Voice Box Inside
To be honest, he creeps me tf out, but my husband just had to have him

Image credits: Joyce Christensen
#98 One Of The Best Donations We've Received Yet! Tailwaggers Thrift Shop - Eureka - Ca

Image credits: Traci Elaine
#99 Saw This Clock Last Night At Goodwill In Alliance, Oh For $2. I Talked Myself Out Of It And Then Deeply Regretted It After I Got Home, And By That Time They Were Closed

Image credits: Kelsey Anderson
#100 Hunting For House Hippos, I Found A Hassock Tortoise!! At The Gw In Camarillo Today. It’s Too Big For Our Living Room (And A Little Pricey $40). It Did Make My Heart Skip A Beat Tho And I Had To Show You Guys!

Image credits: Marlayne Bellenson
#101 Goodwill Missouri City, Tx. Startrek Cat Dress! Totally Bought It

Image credits: Celeste A Chatman
#102 Saw This In A Thrift Store I Used To Work In. Took Me A Good Minute To Realize It. A Chain-Saw! Ya Darn Right It Came Home With Me!

Image credits: Jared Lee
#103 One Of The Best Donations We've Received Yet! Tailwaggers Thrift Shop - Eureka - Ca

Image credits: Traci Elaine
#104 Never In My Life Did I Ever Think I Would Own Something As Beautiful As These Opera Glasses
Never in my life did I ever think I would own something as beautiful as these opera glasses I saw them at an estate sale last week and as soon as I saw them I knew they had to be mine. I’ve been thinking about getting opera glasses for when I see plays as I can only afford the nose bleed seats so it feels like this was meant to be! They work beautifully. I cannot wait to be able to use these gorgeous glasses!

Image credits: Jennifer Smale
#105 Attack Of The Babies . 75 Cents For All , San Francisco Yard Sale

Image credits: Andra Young
#106 They Almost Came Home With Me But I Haven't Watched The Office In A Few Years.

Image credits: Chris Costigan
#107 Groovy, Baby! Complete With Velour Suit And Sewn-In Chest Hair. Mcchord Thrift Shop In Wa State

Image credits: Amanda Brown
#108 Found This Inflatable Nurse’s Wig Last Summer While Looking For A Floor Fan After My Boyfriend Had Just Broken His Humerus, It Seemed Like Perfect Comedic Timing, And It Seems Like The Perfect Time To Share It Now That The World Needs So Much Healing!

Image credits: Julio C Esparza Saucedo
#109 I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes When I Walked Into Ecothrift In Vallejo,ca. A Working Vintage Ms. Pac-Man
I’m happy to say, yes it came home with me. Update: they wanted $400, but it was 25% off. So with tax it was $325. I wish I could find out where it came from. It has av over 91k coin count so it made over 22 grand in it’s lifetime

Image credits: Chris Riley
#110 Thank Goodness For Facebook Marketplace That Landed Me The Most Amazing 1950’s Vintage Martini Glass Side Table- Complete With A Big Ol’ Juicy Stuffed Olive- My Favorite Secondhand Find To Date

Image credits: Kate Gallentine
#111 After About A Year The Lost And Found At Our Daycare Gets Emptied. Came Across These Toddler Mermaid Socks While Cleaning It Out. Turns Out They Are Very Stretchy

Image credits: Chris Giorlando
#112 That Time I Was On My Way Home From A Retro Pin-Up Event, Stopped At A Thrift Store On A Whim, And Found A Sailor Jupiter Cosplay (Sans Chest-Bow)

Image credits: Casie A. Chilcote
#113 It’s A Working, Full Scale, Theatrical Prop Of Audrey II From Little Shop Of Horrors
On a whim, I asked the model shop owner how much he hired it out for. He told me that the theatre no longer needed it so he could sell it to me... For £20. It needed a couple of repairs (actors are not careful with props, sorry all asms!) so he threw that in too for an extra fiver

Image credits: Nicola Chegwin
#114 Found This Gem For Sale On The Side Of The Road. It Was Love At First Sight! Keeps Items Cold, But Need A Little Work. But Honestly.... Don't We All!

Image credits: Sarah Cherry
#115 I Actually Found 2 Of These At Goodwill In Tell City Indiana. I Left One Of Them There But This One Did Come Home With Me. I Never Heard Of It, But It Is From 1976

Image credits: Adam Phillips
#116 Finally!!! Best $13 I've Spent. Goodwill Clearwater Fl

Image credits: Janet Larratt
#117 I Was In Town Visiting My Mom And We Found This Amazing Ginormous Couch At The Goodwill In Marietta
My mom is sitting on it (cuz it was comfy & in great shape) to show how huge it is! Unfortunately, I nor anyone I know had room for it. Believe me we so tried! The price you ask? $59.99my mom said it was gone the next week when she went shopping! Still wondering who bought it and where it is now

Image credits: Casey Miner
#118 To Be.t. Or Not To Be.t.? Actually Forget That, The Real Question Is Why The Hell Would Anyone Part With These?
Actually, I know why. That movie was scary as hell when I was three. All three found at the bay view goodwill in wi. Keep Milwaukee weird

Image credits: Erin P Christie
#119 My Mom Was Born 1939, The Year Snow White Was Released. She Passed Away In March And As I Have Been Cleaning Out Her Home, I Found This Beautiful Blanket Made For Her, By Her Grandmother When She Was Born
Wednesday, June 10th, my daughter had a baby girl, Poppy. I am so happy to pass along such a wonderful heirloom to her made by her great-great-great grandma!

Image credits: Kim Batiansila
#120 I'm So Glad That Someone's Nana Put A Masking Tape Tag On This That Said "Onion Bag" Before It Was Donated To Goodwill (Topsham, Me) Because I Could Not Figure Out What It Was.

Image credits: Amanda Caroline
#121 Found At An Estate Sale . When Full Of Coffee These Critters Can't Be Seen , A Few Sips Then , Lol I Had A Set Of 6 To Start With

Image credits: Jerry Teague
#122 Scored This Today At Red Cross Op Shop In Nz. Only $2! I'm Lovin' It

Image credits: Lenny Wills
#123 Working At Savers, Sometimes I See Weird Stuff. This Pillow Was On A Chair In The Furniture Department. Sure, It Was Funny To Have A Picture Taken With It, But Felt I Shoulda Bathed In Purell Immediately After..

Image credits: Andrew Jasper
#124 While Remodeling Our Kitchen, We Found This Huge Fish Tank Decoration In The Wall

Image credits: Kasie Dunham Presko
#125 In Today’s Second Hand Shop Outing I Found The Perfect Addition To Our Home. Cat Butthole Coasters. Crocheted Cat Butthole Coasters. Pure Gold. Seriously I’m Baffled At Why These Were Donated

Image credits: Jamie Ziemann
#126 This Poor Pug Looks Like His Portrait Has Been Painted In The Middle Of Having His Temperature Taken

Image credits: Sue Ellen Tracy
#127 I Finally Have Something To Share Lol! How Amazing Is This Cat Bird?! It 100% Came Home With Me! Bottom Of It Says Windstone Editions

Image credits: Samantha Brumbaugh
#128 Really Interesting Flask I Found At An Estate Sale In New Hampshire. I'm Assuming It's Supposed To Be Greenman But I'm Not Sure. It's Pretty Heavy And A Bit Tarnished, But Probably One Of My Favorite Finds! I Got Him For $5

Image credits: Christa E. Jimenez-Golden
#129 I Saw This Mirror Today In A Charity Shop In Ludlow For £25 ($32). Its Heavy And About 2 Feet Long, A Substantial Beauty. It Didn't Come Home With Me But That's Only Because I Currently Don't Have A Home. Moving To Wales At Present

Image credits: Jodie Podie
#130 My Son Found This Plague Doctor Mask In The Thrift Store Tonight And Had To Have It! He's So Cool

Image credits: Megan Hogan
#131 Found At Thrift Store In Pittsburgh Pa. Not Sure If She’s Totally Terrifying Or Cute

Image credits: Rachel Bame
#132 Golden, Winged, Women's Sandals, Found In Goodwill, Portland Oregon. Did Not Come Home With Me

Image credits: Barbett Grace
#133 This $45 “Custom Creepy Doll” Didn’t Come Home With Me But I’ll Hold Him In My Heart Forever

Image credits: Shae Smith
#134 I Have My Very Own Mid-Century Medical Cart And Embalming Machine!!
Purchased at Iron Gargoyle in Gulf breeze, fl! I can not contain my excitement!! It’s perfect for my weird and horror themed bedroom!

Image credits: Shane McLeese
#135 World War 2 Trench Art That I Found At A Estate Sale Yes It Came Home With Me

Image credits: Billy Fillers
#136 This $1.99 Zen Litter Box Is Quite Relaxing...found At The Salvation Army In Brunswick, Ga!

Image credits: Janie Smith McMillan
#137 The Longer I Looked At It, The Weirder It Got..large 3x3.5ft Painting On Wood, Found In Clear Lake, Texas Area At A Goodwill...yes It Came Home With Me. No Signature But Would Love To Find The Artist! (Were Now Thinking It Could Be A Twisted Self Portrait Of The Artist Himself)

Image credits: Chris Hardy
#138 Supportive And Optimistic. Found At Goodwill In Denver...i Hesitated And Someone Else Snatched It Up As Soon As I Turned My Back

Image credits: Tammy Johnson Miller
#139 Picked Up This Cute Little Chicken With Measuring Spoon Tail Feathers At Goodwill In Palmer, Ma The Other Day For Three Bucks. I Love Her

Image credits: Melissa Himes
#140 My Brother And I Walked In To The Boise, Id Savers 30 Minutes Before Closing Just To Pick Up A Bag For Me To Take On An Upcoming Trip, And A Worker At The Front Offered Us A Cart They Were Putting Away
I turned it down because “we’re only getting a few things,” to which the worker replied, “that’s what they all think.” 30 seconds later I spotted a must-have gold plated rotary phone, which sent us into hysterics on its own, so you can imagine our glee and bewilderment a minute later when we found THIS for $25. We mused for the rest of the night about where on earth it might have come from. Why does it exist, and why was it never finished? I’m still swimming with all sorts of ideas of how I’m going to sand and paint it. (Fluid art saddlery, anyone??) Needless to say, we indeed wound up using a cart. I held til the end that we only got a “few things” though!

Image credits: Sara Greyfox
#141 Sadly, I'm Still On The Hunt For A House Hippo. But... I Inherited A Hoarders House And I Have Found Myself A House Hedgehog With A Hotdog. I'm Quite Pleased

Image credits: Ashley Prather
#142 My First Post! This Is An Old One But When I Joined This Group I Knew I Had To Find The Picture To Share

Image credits: Gayla Alex Caldwell
#143 Found The Tiniest Little Blue Milk Glass Hen Today For $2 She Definitely Came Home With Me From Finder's Keepers East In York Pa!

Image credits: Heather S. Klinefelter
#144 I Bought This Large And In Charge Oversized 24” Soup Tureen (With Ladle) From A Local Estate Sale In Dallas, Tx
I think she’s a swan, but I couldn’t find a fancy s-name. She came home with me and I named her gucci the goose. My family and friends say she’s too much and over-the-top. She originated from Italy and is 24” x 20” x 15”. I paid $75. She makes a great centerpiece, don’t you think?

Image credits: Jennifer Reynolds
#145 Found This Beauty In The Military Section Of The Manteno Illinois Antique Mall, And Added It To My Geralt Of Rivia Tribute, Debuted At C2e2 This Weekend

Image credits: Erin Davidson
#146 Found This Bad Boy For $3 At Value Village
Normally my style leans more on the spooky side, but this just called out to me, as this is 100% me on a daily basis. Now I have something extra comforting to wear on my bad mental health days. Thank you anxiety cat, the one thing I didn't have to overthink was buying this shirt

Image credits: Victoria Louise Stowe
#147 Handmade Spongebob Matryoshka/Nesting Dolls Found In Local Second Hand Store. The Squidward Is Killing Me

Image credits: Frances Cohen
#148 Not What We Expected To Find On The Beach, But Now This Tiger Guy Is Watching Over Our Home. Found Amongst Buoys And Kelp In La Push, Wa

Image credits: Dana Luper
#149 Found This Original Painting Last Week At A Savers In Mesa. Love At First Sight. Paddy Craun Is The Artist

Image credits: Molly Anna Brennan
#150 My Gran Passed Back In December. While Cleaning Out Her Home In Preparation For It To Be Sold, My Mom And I Found This Meticulously Rolled And Tucked Into The Rafters Of The Basement Storage Room
It had probably been there my whole life though I'd never noticed it before! It's difficult to overstate how thrilled I was to find these wallpaper scraps- reminders of the fancy bathroom! Several family members would like a piece as a momento, but I haven't figured out how best to divide/share/display wallpaper scraps. That's where you weirdings come in... I'd love to see your ideas involving scrap wallpaper!

Image credits: Katie Fuller
#151 I Found Something Thrifting For Who Need A Little Height At The Next Elton John Concert. Size 8. I Left Them There Since My Feet Are So Small

Image credits: Alexandra Love
#152 Throne Of Games
My partner and I went looking for some old furniture to use in our cat run. Along our travels we found...this. I didn't sit on it in fear of tetanis. My partner is heavily into console games but he somehow managed to find it within himself to walk away without purchasing (thank goodness).
Found at Glenorchy Tip Shop in Tassie, Australia. I'm not 100% sure if it was even for sale or just part of the garbage. It's outside with no price tag on it!

Image credits: Amy Klaver
#153 There I Was Standing At The Till Paying For My Stuff And I Happen To Look Over And My Eyes Locked Into This. I Had No Control Over My Body It Just Happened, I Grabbed It And Bought It

Image credits: Lisa Lawrence
#154 Bought These At A Consignment Shop For $1... Bell Bottoms At Making A Comeback. I Love Anything That Looks Like Something From The 70's. My Hippie Days Never Left

Image credits: Melissa Brewer
#155 My Friend Summer-Jade Harris And I Are Always In Our Local Opshops. I Picked Up This Heavy Key And Knew I Needed It. Turns Out It Opens

Image credits: Tegan Dawn
#156 So, Mommy Gave Me This, Elephant Vest, She Found, A Couple Of Years Ago. Until This Group, It Has Been, Neatly Folded In A Cedar Chest. Now, I'm Thinking, It Needs A Touch Up, So I Can Wear It Somewhere. Yay. Or Nay

Image credits: Torlisa Warrior
#157 Found This About 10 Years Ago At Slindy's New And Used Treasures In Culpeper, Va (I Think They Closed A Few Months Ago). I Couldn't Pass It Up

Image credits: Wes Gandy
#158 Digging Through A Bowl Of Pins At A Thrift Store In Appleton, Wi And Came Upon This Magical Beast! As Soon As I Saw Him I Knew He Had To Come Home With Me!! And For Only 50 Cents!!! He Needs A Name!!

Image credits: Rachel Martin-Jones
#159 Found This Gem At An Antique Store In Bloomington, Il For $2. Conway Twitty Plate. It Did Come Home With Me And Is On Display In My Living Room. People Always Think It's My Grandma Or Something...

Image credits: Brandon Bayles
#160 Found This Classy Couple At An Antique Store In Lake Odessa Mi Today. Couldn't Pass Up This $4 Shaker Set, Definitely Came Home With Us!

Image credits: Leeah Flanagan
#161 Found This Gem At The Goodwill On Michigan Street In Grand Rapids, Mi
I am definitely buying it for 99 cents! Might frame it & hang it in the entry way. Edit: you all are amazing! It’s so great to relate over a kitty towel that speaks a sassy truth

Image credits: Stacey El Ayyche
#162 Hello! I'm An Avid Follower And This Here Is My First Post. I Found These Adorable Little Hugging Ghost Shakers In A Local Salvos (Bundoora, Australia) And I Just Had To Take Them Home With Me. At A Little $1 Each, They Make The Perfect Pair

Image credits: Linda Arfuso Golikidis
#163 Found This Mini Clarinet At Fentsy's Flea Market In Bally, Pa

Image credits: Amie Kutz
#164 Saw This Today In Red Racks... Did Not Come Home With My Because It Was Too Small

Image credits: Rebecca Osburn