42 Winners Of “Lifetime Supply” Contests Describe What It Was Actually Like

The chances are that everyone has heard about the “lifetime supply” shenanigan at least once in their existence – a promotion that invites clientele in by promising to shower the winner with company goods that’ll cover their whole course of life. Sounds like a dream, no?

Winning a lifetime supply of anything, be it chocolate, toilet paper, or even something unexciting like paper clips, would be incredibly thrilling. However, most of us have never experienced such a win and have nothing but our imagination, but worry no more – this online user has got you covered.

“Redditors who’ve won a ‘lifetime supply’ contest: how did you win? and how is it going?” – this netizen turned to one of Reddit’s most informative and thought-provoking communities to find out how winning a lifetime supply of something has worked out for the winners and whether it was just as magical as we all imagine it to be. The post has managed to receive nearly 26K upvotes and 17.6K worth of stories exposing the phenomenon.

More info: Reddit

#1 Reader's Digest

This was in the 90s, my Granddad won a lifetime supply of Reader's Digest. He was the only doctor in a small village in India (population < 1000). He started stacking them up in his clinic, and the village kids would randomly browse through them. As long as there wasn't a rush or they weren't being loud, my Granddad would let them sit there for as long as they wanted.

I spent my summer vacations in the village with my grandparents. (My parents had moved to a nearby city long before I was born)

And so it happened that every summer I'd come to the village to find my rural friends speak better English than anyone else in the village - and in some cases better than my English-school educated city friends - and sharing jokes from the "Life's like that" and "Laughter is the best medicine" sections.

Everytime I think back on it, I feel happy and proud of my granddad.

Image credits: In_Plain_English

#2 Blockbuster Rentals

When I was a kid I won 2 free Blockbuster rentals a month for life. Was awsome for a while now it's not going so well....

Image credits: pawnbrojoe

#3 Nike Shoes

When I was in college a guy in my fraternity was featured in a Nike running commercial. He was paid a fixed amount and they would randomly send him shoes throughout the 2 years I knew him. After he graduated shoes still showed up at the house every quarter until I graduated.

The funny part of the story is that he was on the University cross country team (D1) and when he signed the paperwork it voided his scholarship. The coach calls him in his office and berates him for a half hour on how he "f****d up his scholarship." His response was priceless: "I have 4 more semesters and Nike paid me enough to cover in-State tuition for that time. Also, I hate running, but am good enough to have gotten a scholarship. Now I have school paid for and will never run again. Good luck to you all though."

Image credits: anon

#4 Sonic Gift Cards

A friend of mine won lifetime Sonic on a radio contest. Every month he gets a Sonic gift card for $200 and he takes everyone up there for a free meal and spends the rest buying random peoples' meals.

Image credits: pgirl30

#5 Coffee Beans

I won a lifetime supply of coffee beans for having guessed how many beans were in the tall glass jar during a competition.

They arrive faster than I can use them, but the beans are high quality and make fun gifts for friends who like to grind & brew.

Image credits: Back2Bach

#6 Pizza Hut's Pizza

obligatory not me but a friend. a friend of mine won a lifetime supply of pizza from pizza hut. they calculated his age, the average pizzas a person consumes per year, did some mathemagical calculation and fed ex'd him a check for $37,000. In my book he won.

Image credits: xEvil_Tac0x

#7 Snickers Bars

Our elderly neighbours won a lifetime supply of Snickers. We have a very large family (parents plus 10 kids) and the summer I was 7 my father was injured at work. While waiting on workers comp to be paid, our electric, water, and gas was all shut off. Our neighbours ran a hose to our backyard for water, an extension cord for a microwave, and gave us dozens of cases of Snickers. We lived the entire summer on candy bars and ramen. I can't stand the stuff now.

Image credits: Zephyr1888

#8 Paprika

We had to write a one page essay on anything one year in class and my friend wrote about how he loved paprika as a F**k you to the teacher. She mailed it to some spice company and now they send him a jar a month and he hates it.

Image credits: NappaCappa420

#9 Pet Food

My wife won a "lifetime supply" of pet food for our cat. They didn't even bother sending product, they just tacked another few thousand dollars onto the $10k cash prize. That was a nice little windfall. The only weird thing was that it was paid as a stack of maxed out Visa gift cards. You can't really pay things like mortgages and credit card bills with what amounts to a credit card, so we ended up using the gift cards for things like groceries. It's pretty amazing how far your paycheck goes when your bill for food and incidentals is effectively zero.

Image credits: DMala

#10 Vegemite

I won a lifetime supply of Vegemite. It was only 2 jars

Image credits: IVTD4KDS

#11 KY Jelly

I won a lifetime supply of KY Jelly, so far it's going smoothly.

Image credits: Eloquentdyslexic

#12 Broadband

Not so much won, but my mother in law has free broadband for life. Company needed to run a line through her garden, MIL says sure, but I want free internet forever, hasn't paid a cent in two years and the disruption to the back garden was minimal and easily fixed.

Image credits: Wesley_Skypes

#13 Apples

When I was little, I won a lifetime supply of apples by correctly guessing how many were in a barrel. There were 110 and I guessed 109. The prize was 110 apples at a time each month. It was insane. After the first delivery, my parents begged them to stop. It's impossible for a family of three to go through 110 apples before they rot and our neighbors stopped answering the door when they saw my parents standing there with bags of apples.

Image credits: Explain_To_The_Geeks

#14 Cheese

I'm really into competitions, and although I've never won a lifetime supply of anything I've won a years worth of cheese. Twice. The first time was 12 vouchers but for the second one they actually send me two massive f**k-off cheese wheels, they were like 25lb each. I cut them up and filled my fridge and freezer (and the fridge and freezers of my friends) with cheese. It actually froze/defrosted really well, I'll be eating that cheese for ages.

Image credits: anon

#15 Aluminum Foil

I went to school with a kid who's mom won a lifetime supply of aluminum foil. They wrap EVERYTHING in foil. His whole lunch every day was wrapped in foil: sandwich, fruit, ect...and then they make one of those baking pouches, and that's his lunch bag. When we had like desert potluck his cookies came wrapped in in foil. I asked him about it once and he said they even wrap all their Christmas presents in it, and they still get too many boxes of it. They give it away to friends and family.

Image credits: nelsonmavrick

#16 Sadness

I won a lifetime supply of sadness at the ripe old age of birth.

Image credits: Pompous_Walrus

#17 Rice-A-Roni

My aunt won a lifetime supply of rice-a-roni from 'The Price is Right'. She used to get them faster than she can use them, but now (understandably) she is sick of it so she just stockpiles them in her rice-a-roni closet and donates hundreds of boxes of them at a time.

yes. she has a full closet of rice-a-roni. The neighborhood kids love her.

Image credits: supasrirachaboy

#18 Knives

Won a lifetime supply of knives. I guessed correctly how many sheets of paper the knife could stab through. After I broke the first two, I was told my third was my last one. Apparently the knives were supposed to last a lifetime.

Image credits: Lord_Of_the_Strings

#19 Arby's Gift Cards

I have a friend that did an Arby's comercial years ago. They gave him an Arby's card that can be used for up to $20 or $25 a day. It's like a gift card that gets topped off daily.

Only bad thing is he can't save the credit to make a big purchase. It has a cap of $25

Image credits: dj_spin

#20 Cell Service

Grandpa negotiated free cell service for life for him and his wife when the cell company wanted to put up a tower on his farm. After a few years they started getting charged because the tower was bought by another company and they wouldn't respect the deal :/

Image credits: letmestandalone

#21 Chuck Taylor Converse

Won a lifetime supply of Chuck Taylor converse. Basically they sent me 12 vouchers for a free pair of converse. You could pick high or low top and the color. I think I still have one of the pairs, and the rest I gave to friends and family.

Image credits: anon

#22 Domino's Pizza

Dominos Pizza at a raffle. It was a "lifetime supply" Basically was a book with 4 tear out coupons a month for like 20 years. Used it maybe a dozen times. After about 2 years I tried to use it and it becomes such a pain, nobody knows what to do, the computer won't take it, they have to call corporate support # on the ticket. Takes like 30 minutes on the phone to order shitty pizza for free. So basically it will never be used.

Edit: good lord my box exploded. I'll answer a few of the common theme questions here so the fire crew can get a handle on the inbox.

1. Yes I still have it (I think... 95% sure)
2. No I won't give it to you.
3. Random Acts of pizza, I will look into doing this if I can. I like this Idea.
4. Not sure if they are transferable I'm pretty sure there is no designation to just me,
5. They are all dated, 52 coupons a year. They can only be used on that specific week for the year. If you don't use a coupon in that week it's expired.
6. Yes I know there are worse pizza's out there, and there probably is tasty pizzas at Domino. I had actually forgotten about it for almost a year till I saw this thread.
7. I got it when I was in college. So about 1999/2000, so we are coming to the end.
8. Thinking about it, I probably actually used more then I thought when I was younger and poor. Maybe 30-40 times total in the 16-17 years. But I don't think I've used it once in the last 5.

Edit Edit: Today I discovered not cashing in on free pizza ranks up there with loving Nazi's.

Update 8/25/2016: I did find it, and I gave it to a neighbor with a teenage boy that's having a rough time right now. She did use it and they did take it.

Update 8/30/16: I still can't believe the continuing response to this and how many people want to know how this is turning out, so question answering time part duex.

1. The neighbor I gave this to has used this at least twice now. Domino's couldn't figure out how to use it when she called and order in but had no problems processing it when she did a pickup at the store.
2. There is no name on the coupon's so as of yet nobody has questioned her on it. I doubt they would at this point and risk offending all of Reddit.
3. Her son counted the missing coupons at around 120. I don't remember ever using that many however maybe I did, or more likaly probably gave them away. It has been a LOOONNGGG time.
4. The Last coupon is dated for the final week of December 2018, which means I actually got it in 1998 which would mean I was still in High school. Maybe I was. I do remember most of the time I used it was at LAN Parties (yes I was..am a major nerd)
5. I have actually been contacted by people "claiming" to be from Domnios. No I don't plan on giving anyone the information on who owns it now.
6. For all those who continue to want to buy it off me. It's gone, Stop asking. I wouldn't ever have sold it anyways just to avoid the possibility of any hidden problems.
7. For all those who continue to try and "gently" persuade me to use it on random act of pizza and why I did what I did. Here is why. A. I love the concept of random acts of pizza, but I'm sure a reasonable percentage of requests don't actually NEED the pizza. B. I didn't want to try and figure out how to utilize these coupons over the phone at random locations all over the US. C. The person I gave it too I know is in need and genuinely can/will use them. Granted it's only 1 free dinner a week for her and son, but that does add up, and can at least lesson a little bit of her burden.

Image credits: anon

#23 Ice Cream

I won a year's worth of icecream. The deal is for one pint a month. Here's the kicker, I live on the other side of the country from the icecream shop. My parents love it though.

Image credits: goat_choak

#24 US Army Memories

I won a lifetime of great memories and the occasional nightmare, thank you US Army.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone thanking me, no need though. I signed up on September 7th, 2001. I signed up to get my college paid for and if I had known what would happen four days later I can't guarantee that I would have signed up. It was a job that would allow me to get a college degree. It was a little more difficult than originally anticipated but I'm not a quitter and I trudged through multiple deployments like many others. My thanks goes out to anyone willing to sacrifice their time to serve their country whether foreign or domestic.

Image credits: fillhumpfree

#25 Pizza

Last month I won a lifetime supply of pizza (one a day for the rest of my life) for being a restaurant's 5000th Twitter follower. Even better, my husband won too - we both followed to make sure one of us was the 5000th, and didn't realise the prize was for 5000th AND 5001st. So we both get free pizza for life! Plus, it's really, really good pizza - it's been called the best in the UK by a bunch of food critics and is crazy popular locally. So we're pretty happy at the moment!

EDIT: For those asking which pizza place it is - here you go! [GB Pizza Co]

Image credits: quotefrommanstabbed

#26 SkyDome's Event Tickets

The SkyDome held a naming contest back in 1987, two years before it opened in downtown Toronto. The contest winner (picked at random from the many "SkyDome" entries - a play on the stadium's retractable roof) received a lifetime supply of tickets for any event at the Dome.

The stadium has changed ownership multiple times and even the name has changed (it's now the Rogers Centre), but the prize is still being honoured.

Image credits: Zombie_John_Strachan

#27 Whataburger

I won a year supply of Whataburger. Won it in a raffle at the opening of a new restaurant. What it really was was 52 coupons for free Whataburgers. So basically one burger per week for a year.

Edit : Because of the popularity, I guess I will expand upon this story, I was 14 I think when my family won this. I am now 17. Once a week my family would go to Whataburger and because of the terms of the coupon one person would get the free #1 combo and everyone else would get what they wanted but we would pay. Honestly they still made money off of us doing this even though they gave away 52 free burgers. I am still glad though cause it gave us an excuse to eat Whataburger every single week and who wouldn't want that?

Image credits: redrumsoxLoL

#28 Jelly Beans

I won a "Lifetime supply" of jelly beans in the 2nd grade. My teacher had a giant jar of them on the table and tons of students guessed how many beans were in there.

I remember thinking, "I'm just gunna write down the biggest number I can, that way I'll stand the best odds of winning" (kid logic)

So I wrote "999" because Zelda games taught me it's the biggest number ever

There were 1,000 jelly beans.

Students were amazed.

Teacher thought I was a savant.

Jelly beans lasted me about 6 months and I think my mom threw the rest away.

Image credits: FoxyGrampa

#29 Chick-Fil-A

I won a year supply of Chick-fil-A. They gave me 52 meal vouchers. It was pretty cool and I never had any trouble redeeming them.

#30 Juicy Fruit Gum

After coming in last with no money after appearing on College Jeopardy, one of my college buddies got a consolation prize of a lifetime supply of Juicy Fruit gum.

He shared it with the whole dorm and it lasted about two months.

More importantly, he also got a pound of Silly Putty that he would shape into a phallus and hang out the front of his pants.

#31 Kraft Mac & Cheese

My high school geometry teacher's son won a contest where he was featured on boxes of Kraft Mac 'n Cheese and also got a "lifetime" supply of it. He had a picture of it/a cut out of the box on his desk which was hysterical and all I remember was him complaining about how sick he was of mac n cheese.

Image credits: opentillmidnight

#32 Rolling Papers

I won a lifetime's supply of rolling papers, 20 of those big boxes they have at the store. Quit smoking a month later to focus on my career.

I gave the rest to my local convenience store to sell, they gave me £35.

Image credits: boomerxl

#33 Flavoured Milk

It wasn't a lifetime supply, but it was a year's supply of flavoured milk. The company hosting the competition is based in Perth, Western Australia. The goal of the competition was to rename each flavour of milk to something uniquely Western Australian based on its colour. In my case, I renamed the spearmint flavoured milk, which is green, to Transperth, which is the public-transport service in WA.

I came in second place for my submission, and won a years supply of flavoured milk. Unfortunately, they couldn't figure out the logistics of sending me the milk, so in the end they just transferred the equivalent amount of money into my bank account (I think it was about $1200 or so). The money is long gone and well spent, and the irony is that I don't think I spent any of that money on milk. Go figure.

#34 License For Cerebus

I've won a lifetime licence for Cerebus, a thieft protector for Android smartphones.

They've stopped my "lifetime" licence after nearly two years because they needed money.

What a group of f*****s.

#35 Chicken From Raising Cane's

My friend won free chicken from Raising Cane's for life(chicken finger chain). In order to claim his chicken, he had to present the card given to him. After a few months of free chicken, his wallet was stolen, putting an end to his free chicken. Somebody was VERY happy when they saw that card in his wallet.

Image credits: Roberg13

#36 Krispy Kreme's Donuts

Not myself, but my aunt won a lifetime supply of donuts from Krispy Kreme; in reality they just gave her a s**t ton of vouchers for free dozen of donut boxes (I don't remember how many, but I know she got a box a week for at least a couple years last I checked.) She won it by being first in line at a new store opening--why she went I don't know since she wasn't like the donut queen or something, haha.

#37 Pass For A Music Festival

Didn't win but received a lifetime pass for a music festival. So far there have only been 2 years of festival but they just confirmed the 3rd. Two of the best weekends of my life. Would recommend.

Edit: Received it by attending the festival announcement party. Everyone got an envelope upon entry which clearly had passes in them but said not to open. At the end of the night, if you still had a sealed envelope, they gave you a 'lifetime' pass. I think about 20 out of 200 ppl maybe?

Image credits: billrogerson

#38 PEZ Candy

My mother won a "lifetime" supply of Pez on Let's Make a Deal. It was a few cases of dispensers and candy.

Image credits: raymondspogo

#39 Pizza And Beer

My friend and I were in a competition at an arena football game to win "Free pizza and beer for a year". The first person to kick a field goal from like 15-20 yards would win. Apparently their definition of a years worth of pizza and beer is 12 24 packs of beer and a large Rocky Rococos pizza per month for 12 months. We had to pick up all 12 cases of the beer from a distributor at one time so we had a party.

Image credits: ajamke

#40 AA Batteries

Didin't win it, but once I was driving down this shitty a*s dirt road and found a pile of thousands and thousands of AA batteries. No idea how they got there, but they were pretty fresh, no corrosion. So I took a 5 gallon bucket, filled it up, and went on my way. 4 years later, I'm about 3 gallons in and they still power my Xbox controllers.

EDIT: People seem interested. I'll look through my old phone when I get home to see if I have pictures of it. Sadly, I'm in California and the bucket is at my brother's house in Virginia.

I guess I should add this interesting detail. Strangely, they were Kodak brand. Like they were supposed to be in disposable cameras or something. They didn't ever last very long, maybe half as long as Duracell/Energizer, but they were free!

Image credits: napleonblwnaprt

#41 Q-Tips

I bought a 1,000 count box of q-tips. Yeah, sure, I didn't WIN it, but given how many I still have left, I'm gonna say it'll last the rest of my life.

#42 Mouthwash

Won a lifetime supply of mouthwash.

F*****g rad, I butt chug that s**t on a daily basis.

Image credits: Iisterine