91 Unusual Finds That Look Like Artistic Masterpieces, Courtesy Of This Instagram Page

Life would be so boring without art. Even mother nature occasionally likes to express herself by creating something odd and unusual, which catches our attention by being extraordinary. Artistic expression always finds a way to surprise us, and today we would like to introduce you to a very unique collection of art pics.

The Instagram account called lostfoundartny shares various antique finds or just the most unusual art-associated pics found on the internet. They might seem all random at first, but all of them share a common characteristic of uniqueness.

So without further ado, here is a list of the most interesting art pics you might have ever seen.

#1 Antique Iron Bat Shaped Lantern. Said To Have Hung In Front Of A Cabaret In France Late 1800’s

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#2 The Largest Intact Mosaic. Antakya Turkey. Sixth Century

Spanning over 1200 sq meters and made up of geometric shapes and non-repeating figures. Was probably created as a public space at the time. One of the most fascinating aspects of this mosaic is curved rug like surface which grew curved as a result of earthquakes in 526 and 528 AD. Despite the earthquakes the mosaic never broke and survived to the present date intact and unbroken. It took 9 years to unearth.

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#3 Fidele The Most Famous Dog In Bruges. Fidele Was A Famous Dog And Tourist Attraction In Bruges, Belgium

The yellow Labrador Retriever lived at the Cote Canal bed and breakfast with his owner Caroline Van Langeraet. He could usually could be seen lounging half-asleep on a windowsill facing the Groenerei canal.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#4 “The Veiled Lady” By Raffaele Monti 1860

I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the skill that was required to execute this marble masterpiece. To create the illusion of transparency with the veil in this medium is unbelievable. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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#5 No. Not Demons Being Cast Into An Inferno. What These Photos Show Are Masses Of Different Lava Flows That Have Dripped Into A Lava Skylight

They have formed a crust around the skylight likely due to a loss of heat around the area. What’s a Lava skylight? Molten lava can flow through underground channels called lava tubes. These tubes become visible when part of the roof collapse, causing a lava skylight.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#6 Amazing Mosaic Street Patches

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#7 19 Year Old German Actress Brigette Helm On The Set Of Metropolis In 1927

The costume was made of what was referred to as a new form of malleable “plastic wood”. The costume was extremely uncomfortable and sitting in it was difficult. At the time it was the most expensive movie ever made which at the time was aprox $1.2 million dollars. Brigette complained about the many retakes Fritz Lang was known to request saying “no one will even know it me in the costume”. To which he replied. “I’ll know”

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#8 Water Current Directing Drain In A Steep Slope In Taiwan. Almost Like Intentional Street Sculpture

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#9 Lead Pencil Carvings

Always amazed at this skill, required patience and delicate hand needed to create these sculptures. I can barely see what I’m writing let alone even attempt something like this.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#10 Open Wide. Production Designer Joe Alves Making Repairs To The Mechanical Shark In “Jaws”

Affectionately named Bruce on Martha’s Vineyard in 1974. Interestingly the shark in Pixar’s “Finding Nemo” name is Bruce. Another fun fact someone just added in the comments. Seems Spielberg named the shark after his lawyer Bruce. Hence the joke: Why don’t sharks eat lawyers: Professional courtesy.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#11 I’m Stuck On You Babe! Love Is In The Air. Or Is It In The Trees?

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#12 The Organic Twig And Sapling Sculptures Of Patrick Dougherty

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#13 Absolutely Amazing Spray Paint Art

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#14 Super Cool Design. Famed Motorcycle Builder Dirk Oehlerking Of Kingston Custom Crafted This Bike Called Good Ghost

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#15 Dinosaur Being Delivered To The Museum Of Science. Boston Massachusetts 1984

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#16 Now That’s Creative Snow Art!

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#17 Detail Of The “Green Man” 1200’s Ad. Early Gothic. Bamberg Cathedral. Germany

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#18 Strange Topiary. Like Green Popsicles

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#19 Traveling In Style. Machine Age Automotive Looking Strollers

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#20 Giant Cactus In Oaxaca Mexico

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#21 Perfect Winter Wedding Dress

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#22 Very Rare Vintage Photo Of A Prohibition Era Illegal Baby Juggling Competition In 1929

During the Great Depression, those looking for cheap and shady distractions found it in this, least spoken about and most secretive world of underground baby juggling. Women in dire straits and desperate for money would compete in dimly lit dusty back room bars and shanties across the country. Of course there was rabbit juggling and alligator juggling , but none had the compelling draw like baby juggling. Struggling mother’s from nearby towns and villages would often sneak their children in under their coats or baskets to be juggled for a meager portion of the prize money. Women would compete to see who could juggle the most babies and for the longest time and bets were made. Records were sketchy at best because this activity was frowned upon by the majority of well heeled society. Men were not allowed to participate because it was proven that only women had the right maternal instincts which gave them a better feel for the babies rotations when juggling. Written records and accounts of the events were few and far between. but according to leading expert and historian on the subject, Louis R. Diaperina in his book “The Dark Art of Baby Juggling” claims that the record is said to have been 7 babies for 38 seconds set by Edith Dumas a poor young out of work seamstress in Port Edna Georgia in 1931. Eventually these sinister Baby Juggling” rings were shut down and made illegal by a joint act of congress with the “Baby Protection Act” in May of 1931. George Santos, newly elected congressman from NY claimed his mother was a baby juggler.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#23 Donetsk, Ukraine By Viktor Macha. Love The Way The Piping Looks So Figural. As If It’s Embracing The Structure

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#24 Carved Stone Chain Link Column Dating Back To 1106. Found On The Facade Of The Collegial Saint-Lazare D’avallon In France

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#25 This Streamlined Dymaxion Car Was Designed By The American Inventor Buckminster Fuller During The Great Depression And Was Featured Prominently At The Chicago Worlds Fair In 1933-1934

Fuller built three experimental prototypes with naval architect Starling Burgess using donated money as well as an inheritance. Not as an automobile per say but as a vehicle that one day might be designed to fly, land and drive.

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#26 Branch Sculptures By Bob Verschueren

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#27 Italian Lifestyle In The Post War Years. A Vespa Acma 51 With Steib Sidecar

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#28 1400 Year Old Ginkgo Tree Located In Xi’an China That Draws Thousands Of People Each Year From All Over China

The golden leaves start falling around mid November, turning the temples ground into a yellow ocean. This particular tree grows next to the Gu Guanyin Buddhist temple in the Zhongnan Mountains. The ginkgo tree, also known as the maidenhair, is sometimes referred to as a living fossil because despite all the climate changes, it remains unchanged for 200 million years. It’s a living link to the times dinosaurs ruled the planet.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#29 A Tree Saved By A Tree

When branches or roots from different trees are in prolonged intimate contact, they often abrade each other exposing their inner tissues, which may eventually fuse. This process is called inosculation, a natural phenomenon in which trunks, branches or roots of two trees grow together. It is biologically similar to grafting. Such trees are referred to in forestry as gemels, from the Latin word meaning “a pair”.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#30 Trees Struck By Lightning. The Temperature Of A Lightning Strike Is 5 Times Hotter Than The Sun, Causing An Internal Pressure That Can Cause The Tree To Explode From Within

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#31 Like A Herd Of Cattle Or A Flock Of Geese Or A Pack Of Wolves, A Swarm Of Ladybugs Are Referred To As A “Loveliness”

In the Middle Ages after farmers found out that ladybugs helped wipe out swarms of aphids that were destroying their crops, they thanked the Virgin Mary and referred to them as the “beetle of our lady”. This was eventually shortened to “lady beetle” then to “ladybug” which stuck. In the UK they are referred to as “ladybirds”.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#32 Faced Home

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#33 Wonderful Antique Pig Shaped Mesh Purse

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#34 Researchers Believe This To Be One Of The Oldest Prosthetic Devices

A 3000 year old wooden toe prosthetic discovered on an Egyptian mummy. The wooden toe was refitted several times. Based on the meticulous construction of this ancient prosthetic. It was determined that the wearer, a priest’s daughter wanted the toe to look natural and be as comfortable as possible.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#35 Strangely Colorful And Beautiful Molds Grown In Petri Dishes Using An Agar Base And Adding Pigments

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#36 Snake Bridge On Macclesfield Canal On Atsbury. England

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#37 The “Doorkijkkerk” Or “Reading Between The Lines” Church Located In Belgium

Designed by architects Pieterjan Gijs and Arnout Van Vaerenberg. Made up of over 30 tons of laser cut sheet steel with a spacing of 1 centimeter of metal to every 9 centimeters of open space.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#38 Pierre Passebon Paris Apartment. Jacques Grange Design

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#39 Abandoned. Let Nature Take Over

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#40 All Of Use Who Grew Up Using Pink Pearl Erasers In School Remember Drawing, Mutilating, Stabbing, Pulling On, Breaking Throwing And Shredding These Erasers In Class. A Great Stress Reliever. Great For Everything Except Erasing. And The Smell…

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#41 Slope Point Is The Southern Most Point Of New Zealand’s South Island

The wind is so intense and relentless that the trees are bent, warped and twisted forever along the direction the wind blows. That is because the region is constantly being hit with fierce cold winds that blow up from Antarctica. Slope Point is predominantly used for sheep farming. Aside from a few sheep, no humans or other animals live on that part of the island. In photos 2 and 3 you can see abandoned shacks that built under the protection of the windswept trees. But even those could not stand up to the wind.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#42 Dunmore Pineapple House. Built In 1761 In Sterlingshire Scotland By The Earl John Murray For His Wife Charolettte

Attributed to the architect Sir William Chambers. It is considered one of the most bizarre buildings in the country. Pineapples were first brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus from the Caribbean island of Guadalupe in 1493. Pineapples became a rare delicacy in Europe with associations of power, wealth and hospitality. The pineapple structure is 46 ft high and constitutes a stunning example of the stonemason’s craft, being a remarkable depiction of the fruit. The pineapple became a universal symbol of welcome and hospitality.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#43 Streamlined Design At Some Of Its Best. 1936 Stout Scarab Van

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#44 Picture Of One Of The Most Beautiful Manhole Covers I’ve Ever Seen. It’s Great That Whatever City Commissioned These Gave The Designer Such Artistic Freedom

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#45 Circa 1950’s Bumper Cars At The Height Of Their Style

With massive over-pronounced chromed out grills. Note only the top right one has a padded steering wheel protector. So if you got slammed straight on your whacked your noggin pretty against the steering wheel.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#46 You See That? Yeah I Saw That. Would You Switch? No Way, Would You Switch?

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#47 Grasshoppers Dream Cafe. Jeongseon South Korea

Constructed of two converted train cars, the upper level serves pasta while the lower level houses a coffee shop.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#48 There Are 950 Species Of Sea Urchins That Inhabit A Wide Range Of Depth Zones In All Climates Across The Worlds Oceans

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#49 A Teacher At A School In Melbourne Australia Has Gained Fans Around The World After Making Stuffed Animals For Each Of Her 22 Students Based On Their Drawings Of Their Dream Monsters

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#50 Dead Man’s Finger Mushrooms

(Xylaria polymorpha) are a saprobic fungus. Common inhabitant of forests and woodland areas, usually growing from the base of rotting trees or decaying wood. They are fairly common in the UK, Ireland, mainland Europe and parts of North America. The entire mushroom is poisonous. Containing oenanthotoxin. A highly unsaturated higher alcohol and powerful convulsant. Not surprising by the look of these.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#51 This Is What Happens When You Mix Star Wars With Alcohol

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#52 A Brown Velvet Hat That Belonged To A Street Dentist Or Traveling Tooth Puller In London In The 1820’s-1850’s

It is decorated with 88 decayed human teeth from former patients, each drilled with a hole and attached with twine. In the days before anesthesia, this cap was meant to reassure potential clients that the dentist had magician like skills and could remove a rotten tooth without pain or infection. The procedure was anything but painless and infections were quite common. I’m not sure how reassuring it was to be looking up at the fellow wearing this trophy/ adverting cap with a pair of primitive pliers descending into your mouth. Anesthesia was introduced in 1844 by a dentist, Horace Wells who had his own third molar removed after inhaling nitrous oxide. It wasn’t until 1846 that Oliver Wendell Holms the famous Supreme Court justice first suggested the term anesthesia to describe the state produced by ether. Cuming Collection Southwark Heritage London.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#53 Delivery For Bugs Bunny

Before the 16th-17th century almost all cultivated carrots were purple with mutated versions in yellow and white. Orange carrots are believed to have been cultivated by Dutch growers who took mutant strains of the purple carrot and developed them into the modern day orange variety. The Dutch are also credited with selling the seeds to the British who then brought them to early America. Orange carrots get their bright orange color from beta-carotene. The origins of the cultivated carrot is rooted in the purple carrot in the region around modern day Afghanistan.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#54 Hag Stones

Another one of mother natures art projects. Any stone that has natural occurring holes. Said to have sacred and magical powers by that who possess them. The holes are caused by either the boring of a bivalve mollusk or by course sand or smaller stones grinding into into a stones surface.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#55 Luigi Lineri Age 81 Has Built A Massive Rock Collection Over The Past 52 Years Making His Finds Along The Adige River In Verona Italy

He does not alter the rocks at all. Many resemble faces, fish and animals. In his quote that many of us collectors can relate to but on a smaller scale. “At first I thought a few stones of each different shape would be enough and then I understood that in their thousands they give a sense of community. For me the quantity is sacred. It takes a lot to build a cathedral” Go to love the enthusiasm!

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#56 Coral Mushroom (Ramaria Acrisiccescens) North America. Mother Nature Grows The Darnedest Things. Looks Like A Fungi Chandelier

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#57 Snappy Leather Figural Leather Shoes By Pierre Cardin 1986

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#58 American Leather Teaching Aid Doll. Used By Children To Learn How To Tie Their Shoes. Patented By Gussie Decker 1902

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#59 When Your Donkey Has Dreams Of Being A Pegasus

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#60 Worlds Largest Diameter Tree In The World. El Arbol Del Tule

(Spanish for The Tree of Tule) located on the church grounds in the town of Santa Maria del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It was originally believed to be several trees but DNA tests have proven it’s one tree. The age of the tree is unknown but is believed to be 1200 to 3000 years old.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#61 Ahaaaaaa. Oooooh. Plastic Containers

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#62 Burial Monument Masterpiece In Bronze Of The Calcagno Family. Created By Adolpho Appolini 1904. It Resides At The Staglieno Cemetery In Genoa Italy

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#63 Brutalist Home In Iceland Designed On The Form Of A Flipped Container

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#64 Tortoise Shaped Bar In The Desert. Bayanzag, Mongolia

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#65 Vintage Photographs Of Some Of The Hundreds Of Covent Garden Market Porters In London In The 1930’s Who Transported The Many And Varied Forms Of Garden Produce From The Market Buildings To Their End Users In Baskets Stacked On Their Heads. Just Don’t Sneeze

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#66 When You Just Can’t Throw Out That Precious Stuffed Animal. Excerpts From The Wonderful Book “ Much Loved” By Mark Nixon

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#67 Pubic Wigs Called Merkins Were Worn By Prostitutes As Early As The 1450’s

The reason for this accessory was that pubic hair was considered popular and attractive, but sex workers shaved their lower parts to avoid penicillin lice and used a merkin to cover up STD’s from their clients.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#68 Suitcase Display At Anthropologie

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#69 Wild Looking Animal-Like Vintage Brass Pitcher

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#70 Found Wood Fragments With Knots

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#71 Way Before Little Princesses And Super Heroes You Had To Make Your Own Masks

These early images of mostly homemade Halloween masks are scarier than most horror movies today. You have to love and admire the time, patience and ingenuity required in that make-do generation compared to our buy it, use it once and throw it away generation.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#72 X-Ray Of A Cat Sarcophagus With A Cat Mummy Inside Found In Egypt

Mummified animals have been found in underground catacombs across Egypt including cats, birds, dogs, snakes, rodents and crocodiles. Animals played a huge role in Egyptian culture. The mummified animals were considered sacred gifts and were used as offerings. Sometimes they were buried with their owners, or as a food supply for the afterlife. But the most common animal mummies were offerings brought to temples to present to the gods.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#73 Old Vintage Disguise Toy Kit. Lots Of Great Eyeglasses. Wonderfully Graphic Display That Must Have Drawn Kids Like Magnets. They Just Don’t Make Them Like They Used Too

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#74 Outrageous And Creative Vintage Bulldog Fashioned From An Ordinary Foot Stool

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#75 The Art Of Artist Nick Cave

He is best known for his Soundsuits. A series of costumes that completely cover the individuals body, that camouflage the wearer’s shape. Enveloping and creating a second skin that hides gender, race and class, Compelling the audience to watch without judgement. He first started making them in 1992. He usually makes the Soundsuits out of sisal, dyed human hair, beads, buttons, wire, feathers, sequins and everyday objects. He uses these everyday objects to construct an atmosphere of familiarity with the rearrangement of the items into understandable representations of both material and social culture. The pillars of his work are mostly race, gender and identity. His work has been recreated in mosaic murals in the subway system at 42nd and 43rd streets in Manhattan.

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#76 Incredible Hand Forged Custom Made Steel Door And Gate In Front Of A Brownstone On The Lower West Side Of Manhattan

Inspirers by the 1902 short french film “A Trip To The Moon” by director Georges Melies. Which itself was inspired by Jules Verne’s 1865 novel “Earth To The Moon”

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#77 Artist Kathleen Ryan Creates Large Sculptures Of Rotting And Moldy Fruit Using Glass Beads And Semi Precious Stones

Most people don’t realize the scale and size of her work. The lemons for example are roughly 36” wide.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#78 Vintage Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parades Over The Years

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#79 Sculpture Bench. Located In Jerusalem

You can associate this great piece with any disagreement today or ever. Political, religious, personal or social.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#80 “Long Term Parking” Sculpture Created By Armand Pierre Fernandez In 1982

Located in Joey-en-Josas France. This 60 foot sculpture consists of 60 mostly French cars is set in 40,000 pounds of concrete.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#81 Unintentional Art. Telephone Poles That Served As Free Communal Advertising And Help Wanted Posts

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#82 74 Year Old Man Plays Pokémon On 64 Cell Phones He Has Rigged To His Bike

Chen-San-Yuan a Taiwanese grandfather was introduced to the game in 2016 by his grandson. By 2018 he had upgraded his set up to 8 phones and became a local celebrity known as “the Pokémon go grandpa”. He says he doesn’t participate in battles as he has an unfair advantage. He just wants to collect rare Pokémon.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#83 Tipi Sultans Mechanical Tiger

It represents a tiger attacking a British soldier. This large almost life size wooden automatron represents his hostilities to the British rule. It’s life size creation of a tiger digging his teeth into the neck of a man in European clothing. There is a crank protruding from the side of the tiger that causes the man’s arms to go up and down. While a set of bellows inside the tiger to growl and the man to emit distressing cries of agony. A flap on the tigers side can be opened to reveal a small organ that can emit 18 notes. Circa 1792. Victoria and Albert Museum.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#84 One Of The “Kodra Houses” Or Talking Houses In The Town Of Civita Italy

A sort of homage to the Albanian painter Ibrahim Koda. These are very small houses with windows and chimneys resembling faces.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#85 During The Early 1920’s In Germany, Avant-Garde Couple Lavinia Schultz And Her Husband Walter Holdt Created And Performed Expressionist Dances In Abstract Costumes

Considered at the time an accessible form of expression for women, dance had fast become a component in their repertoire for modern living. In a style build on varying intensities of creeping, stamping, squatting, crouching, kneeling, arching, striding, lunging and leaping in mostly diagonally spiraling patterns. These fantastical costumes transformed the dancers into hybrid artwork. Somewhat like Nick Cave has done today. Lavinia’s seriousness and intensity was well documented. She was the duos leader. She directed the costume making choreography of the dances. 6 months after the black and white photos were taken in 1924, she shot her husband and then killed herself. The costumes survived and at the Hamburg Museum of Arts and Crafts.

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#86 Ghost Apples Appear After Ice Forms Around An Apple And Remains In Place Even After The Apple Has Rotted And Fallen Out

More ice then forms where the ice exited and the shape stays in place for as long as the temperature remains below freezing.

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#87 Custom Stetson Cowboy Hat Shop At Maufrais In Austin Texas

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#88 Carved Column With Tortoise. Sagrada Familia By Gaudi In Barcelona

Image credits: lostfoundartny

#89 Vintage Futuristic Looking European TV Tower Models

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#90 Sculpture Made From Horses Bridles, Halters And Reins

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#91 Working On Book On Antique Hands Using My Collection And Pieces From Fellow Collectors

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