What Sells Best at Garage Sales
Garage sales are the perfect way for you to sell belongings that used to serve you a purpose, but you no longer need. Some towns require households to fill out a formal permit request before setting their sale dates. Make sure you check with your local guidelines before moving forward with your event.

A garage sale is the best way to declutter your home and make money in the process. Most garage sales happen during the spring, a hint as to why it’s also labeled ‘spring cleaning’. The easiest items to sell in your garage sale include everything from clothes, books, kitchen items, electronic tools, furniture, toys, décor items, collector’s items, and so on.
Instead of throwing or giving your belongings away, why not sell them! A garage sale presents an opportunity where prospective buyers can check out the list of items in your sale and make a purchase. Read on to find out everything about garage sales plus tips on how you can make the most out of it.

What Do People Look for Most at Garage Sales?
Curiosity is what most people want to satisfy whenever they heed your garage sale call. So how do you take advantage of this opportunity to make sales? By putting up items that are sure to go.
Everything from men’s, ladies, children’s, winter and summer clothes will fit in this category. If your clothes are in pretty good shape, you have a chance of getting a good price for them. Most people avoid buying garage sale clothes because they assume these clothes are torn and worn out. However, most clothes here could have been worn once or never.
Instead of donating them to charity, a garage sale offers a convenient alternative that leaves some change in your pocket. Numerous collectors confess that they find better, quality, high-grade clothes at garages than at goodwill shops, all at a fraction of the price.
Hard Cover Books
Contrary to the opinions of many, people still read books. Digital and audiobooks are fast taking over the reading culture. But don’t be duped. It’s irresistible for a book lover to give up the chance to own paperbacks or hardcover books in a garage sale.
Most books here sell at a meager $2 to $4. A sharp contrast from book stores which could sell the same book for hundreds of dollars.

Pieces of Art
Unique pieces of art are collector’s items that many drool over. If you have a piece of art that’s in excellent condition, a yard sale will fetch you good money for it. The best art pieces people ask for are those that come in sets.
Decorative art pieces like canvas paintings, small statues, framed pictures, moldings, carvings, and posters all fall in this category.
If you still have the original packaging for most of your kids’ toys, use them in your garage sale. Packaged toys sell more than ordinary toys stashed into a cardboard box. Even when slightly used, toys like scooters, bikes, cars, and skateboards that are clean and in good condition can sell for the same price as new ones in toy stores. Be sure to replace all the batteries as no batteries could drastically lower the price of a fairly good toy.
Electronic Tools
Also known as power tools, electronic machinery like saws and drills can be sold for as much as $30 for something whose store price is over $300. Small appliances like heaters, hot water kettles, dishwashers, or washing machines also sell quite fast at a garage sale.
Instead of letting these tools go to waste owing to lack of use, how about selling them instead?
Half used drawing books, hot glue guns, paint bottles, canvas sheets, and picture frames are a few examples of crafts you should consider selling at your garage sale. As opposed to selling each craft item separately, consider selling them in packs.
For example, put paint books, paintbrushes, paint bottles, pencils, and erasers in one zip lock bag and sell them as a set. You’ll get rid of more items and fetch more in cash too.

Old couches are an ever-present feature in most garage sales. What most people don’t know is that most buyers can buy furniture but they don’t want the common stuff. Rattan chairs, unique coffee tables, classic style beds with canopies, and decorative stools are excellent pieces that guarantee sales.
It’s not that the buyers don’t have furniture in their homes, they buy what you have because it’s unique and can be found nowhere else.
Video Games
Video consoles, controllers, and games are prized items for gamers. It may not be the latest game nor are the controllers brand new. But even with that, folks tend to want to keep any find that appeals to the gamer inside.
After all, what you have at your garage sale is way cheaper than a brand new item. On the condition that the games are playable, you will find a buyer.
DVDs and CDs
Despite the fact that different types of content are now available in apps or online, there’s a good majority that remain old school. If you have a bunch of old DVDs and CDs you want to get rid of, you’ll be surprised to find people who wouldn’t think twice about buying them.
From movies, to documentaries, to music CDs, anything can sell at a garage sale provided the right person passes by.
How to Price Items for A Garage Sale
If it’s not a deal, people will not buy it. Avoid selling used stuff for the same price you bought them. The rule of thumb for most garage sales is to price your items at 10% to 20% of the original retail price. But the truth of the matter is that most garage sales discount at a much deeper rate. Think more along the lines of 50% or higher.
The point of a sale like this is to free space up in your home and to get rid of items you no longer need. What is that worth to you?

What Day Are Most Garage Sales?
Most garage sales happen during the weekends. The best day to hold your garage sale would be on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday morning. You want to be sure the majority of your customers are off of work. It’s also best to think about hosting in the Spring, Summer, or Fall. It’s very rare to find an outdoor sale in the Winter because the weather can be fickle.
To encourage people to stay longer and sell more, consider selling snacks, drinks, and other foodstuffs. Some people have a full-blown barbeque in their backyard right next to the garage sale where people can chat while checking out what’s on sale. It’s a simple idea that could leave you without a single unsold item to return to your garage.
- 8 Easy Garage Sale Tips – Make Money, Attract Customers, Stay Organized
- 15 Things You Can Clean In 10 Minutes – Speed Cleaner Tips
- How To Organize Your Garage – Garage Storage Ideas
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