My Simple 2-Car Garage
Spent the better part of the day today adding in the two 6.5ft wide shelving. Still feels very cluttered but once I get a cabinet to put most of my cans and other misc stuff in I'm hoping it won't feel to cluttered. I'd like to put it on the back wall but the wife likes the table saw pushed up against the wall instead of out in the open when not in use and I kind of agree with her, though my original plan was to build a L-Shaped workbench in the back right corner but there really isn't room on the back wall for it the way I have it now. If I leave the table saw there I have room I can put the cabinet just inside the door to the left. I've got a 4ft section of the Rubbermaid Fasttrack to hang just as you go in the garage on the right side to get my bicycles off the ground as well as my rakes, etc that are just all piled up in that corner.