Staycation 2020! Part 2

Day 5 - Tuesday I enjoyed a quiet morning writing and enjoying a couple cups of hot coffee.  It had rained overnight so everything outside got a nice soaking.  I checked on the garden and then got dressed and ready to get busy.  I pulled a ton more weeds, cleaned up and swept the driveway and swept out our garage and then decided to take a break.


Edith and her girls

While I was enjoying my break I did a little Facebook Marketplace shopping and happened across an item I've been searching and searching for for a long time.  I was super excited to find it and couldn't believe the price either.  I don't want to ruin the surprise entirely but I finally found a china hutch!  It is the size and style I have been looking for and the price of $5 certainly fit in my budget.  Of course at this price point it is a fixxer upper and I was thrilled to have this project to work on.  As soon as I got it home I got started on it.


A little worse for wear, but it did have a lot of potential

Day 6 - In the morning I headed off to Home Depot with a list and my gift card to pick up supplies for the next set of projects on the list as well as the china cabinet.  I will share more details about the china cabinet renovation next week.  I can hardly wait to share it with you.


On the way home from my appointment I stopped at
a Dollar Tree for a few prepper items

I had an appointment at 11:00 to take care of some financial business but once that was completed I was all about getting home and into my grubbies to work on my project, which I did pretty much all the rest of the day.


A lot of sanding involved here

Day 7 - Needless to say I was back in project mode first thing Thursday morning.  I love to see my vision for something take shape and become a reality so it makes it very difficult to stay away.  I had it pretty much completed and ready to reassemble that evening so into the house I went with all the pieces and began to put it back together.  I will share the whole process with you very soon.


Friday morning I reorganized our linen closet

Day 8 - Friday morning I completed my project and then got busy on two more!  These are two very much awaited and anticipated projects though.  Our back door seriously needed some love as well as our deck.  This became an all hands on deck (pun completely intended) as we donned our grubbies and dust masks and headed outside to get started.


This darling girl is amazing!

We all took turns sanding the old chipped up wood and honestly the best sander is hands down my youngest.  She is really good at it and gets the credit for doing the majority of the sanding. 


Our neglected back door has been much in need of attention

While she worked on that I pulled the old nasty warped trim off the back door and shot some extra foam insulation I had in the garage all around filling in any gaps.  There were a few too.  I also primed the door jam and replaced the worn piece of weather stripping along one side.  It may not match, but I really don't care.  It works and it was free.  I also sanded and primed the new trim and got it ready for installation.


I added foam insulation and primed the door jamb

Day 9 - We completed the sanding first thing in the morning before giving the deck a good cleaning and allowing it to dry.  The sanding was a lot of work, tiring and dirty too, but we were quite pleased once we were done.  At noon I went with my daughter to see about a bed she wanted to purchase from a seller on Facebook Marketplace, which she bought.  We stopped at a thrift store on the way home, but didn't find anything to buy.  By the time we got home some stormy weather was moving in forcing me to put projects on hold and relax for a bit.


Our poor deck before we sanded it

Day 10 - On my last day of staycation I awoke at about 3:00 a.m. to one heck of a thunderstorm.  No worries though, I closed my bedroom window and went right back to sleep.  However, plans to work on the deck were scratched and I shifted gears and went back to my prepping chores instead. Mid morning my oldest and I headed off to do the walkthru on her new rental she moved into on the first of June.  We also took a load of her stuff over there so no wasted trips.


Jack and his Mama taking a break

When we got home I ran a load of laundry, we ate lunch and the girls headed off to work.  I changed my sheets, vacuumed the entire upstairs and downstairs then as I was contemplating whether or not to go outside and work on the deck a weather storm advisory popped up on my phone and I just continued to tidy up inside.  The deck has waited this long, a few more days won't be the end of the world.  Not only that, but I am ahead of the game anyway as I wasn't planning to begin that project until June anyway.


I loaded up the dehydrator with chopped onions and moved it out to the garage to do its thing.  Once I had my kitchen back in order I finished tidying up the mess I'd made moving my other project into the house and all that it entailed.  I finished moving and re-organizing my kitchen cabinets before pouring myself a lovely glass of wine and settling in to put my feet up and relax.  At that point I decided I'd done enough and it was time to wind it all down.  That is exactly what I did too.  A little more wine and a little more Star Trek and I declared my staycation a roaring success.