
  • Have a Safe Spring! Important Spring Health and Safety Reminders for Senior

    s What’s on your spring cleaning list? Organizing the pantry? Putting together a big donation of gently used clothes? When it comes to refreshin...
  • Clear the Garage Clutter

    No, it’s not just you. Most of the mess and mounds of stuff in your garage is often just the busyness of life. However, without efficient storage...
  • What’s HOT for Your Organized Home

    By Carrie McConkey | Chris McKenry has been keeping busy during Covid. The owner of Closets by McKenry and Designer Garages...
  • Clear the Garage Clutter

    No, it’s not just you. Some of the mess and mounds of stuff in your garage is often just the busyness of life.   However, without efficient storag...
  • Shari and Hutch live on the road full-time in their vintage “canned ham” trailer

    Every Thursday, they’re bringing us stories from the road. This week, they’re sharing how they power their life with solar power from Renogy.  ...
  • HOW TO DECLUTTER AND ORGANIZE YOUR GARAGE ON A BUDGET Hi Friends! I want to share with you how I organized one of my client's garages. I hope you enjoy! FTC Disclaimer: Thi...
  • 2019-11-18

    Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 (FYI that links will “go live” one at a time as the event progresses) Can you believe it? ...
  • 2019-09-26

    You know how, every now and then, you just get to the point with household annoyances that you feel like throwing your hands up in surrender? We...